Way Out Of Order

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Courtney had told Bean that she had Anxiety and was to tell no one else. after Bean knew that Morgan had anxiety she went straight to her. Morgan broke down in tears 's-she's only doing this for attention' she blurbered.

Bean had no idea why Courtney would fake such a horrible disorder but she did what she did and for the love of god it was obvious to see that she had no sort of anxiety, In any form.

After this stomach sickening attention seeking act Courtney began to say bad things to Bean about Morgans anxiety 'she's never going to get a job' 'we need to help Morgan over come her anxiety or she is not going to be able to do anything and the worst of all to Morgans face was 'I thought you couldn't do anything on your own because your anxiety.

Morgan did nothing, she didn't speak to anyone about it , never to her mom and never to any professionals . she'd kept it to herself and her closest friendship circle . she'd ignore Courtney and ever time Morgan broke down crying Courtney would smirk and turn away.

And every argument between the two ended with Courtney giggling and smirking and Morgan crying.

This sickening girl had more than she bargained for when Morgan started to self harm and Courtney pathetically told her 'pain makes you stronger , harming yourself makes you weaker' to Morgan once via text , she was saying what she'd done was a good thing no?

She was just seemed to Morgan that she was guilty and she'd cry every night by flicking back on the texts, self harming nearly every time she took a bath.

Courtney got her down , so down she'd have suicidal thoughts when near a place she could do it.

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