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Maxine ^

Maxine Clark is the niece of Madison Clark and cousin of Alicia and Nick Clark. Maxine has been with her Aunt and cousins since the beginning. Her and her parents have lived the the same neighborhood since before she was born. For that reason she had always been close to her cousins and they were more like siblings. When the Apocalypse happened Maxine booked it home with her cousin Alicia. Parts of the neighborhood where already being over run. No one fully understood what was happening, but when Maxine got to her house she new something wasn't right with her parents. They seemed dead. Later she understood they were dead. The rest of the Clark's left the neighborhood a couple days later. They have stuck together like glue ever since. They met a few people on the was Victor Strand, Daniel and Ofelia Salazar. The apocalypse has been going on for two years. The last place they were at was a hotel but it was over run and Maxine got separated from the Clark's. It's been weeks since Maxine has seen any other people. Days since shes eaten. Weeks since shes had an actual meal. Days without water and she's injured. Maxine is slowly dieing.

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