Chapter 1

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Troy ^

Maxine Clark

Its been days since I've eaten. I've not had water for 3 days now. I can't run anymore or barely walk I'm getting weaker by the day. I just want to see my family. I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going for sure. I thought about going back to Los Angeles. That would be a long journey. And who knows if they even went home at this point there's no home to go back to anyways. They could be in Mexico but I have no clue where. I'm so scared and alone. There's barely any zombies around here let alone people. Oh people. I miss people. I love to talk I would give anything to meet a decent person to talk to right about now. I used to be a really upbeat carefree person. I was sarcastic 90% of the time, I played it dumb but I always know how people are feeling. My mother always said it was my 'superpower' I can just sense emotions well. I just want to talk to someone right now. Anyone...I'm about to go crazy and start talking to myself.

I was covered in walker blood. My blood. It all blended together now. I limped my way forward. I had cut my leg the night the hotel was over run escaping. I tried to bandage it up but it fell off after a few days and I had no more bandage wrap left. I hummed some songs I remembered from the old world. It may have been over two years ago but I used to love music still do. I remember songs easily. My humming keeps me going. It's something to focus on besides the pain I was in. Today it just wasn't working. I was to tired to hum. In to much pain to ignore it. I came up on the Mexico US border. Am I really going to do this? What if they found a place here. But on the other hand what if they did try to go home? Cars one after another lined the boarder all abandoned of course. I noticed a big group of people passing through that looked like they were all together. I approached a friendly looking woman. "Hello.. have you heard about Madison Nick or Alicia Clark? Or Victor St-" My whispery rasp voice was cut off by the sound of gun shots. She pulled me down behind a car with her. "I can't be sure but there was a new guy to our village a few weeks ago Nick.. Not sure of his last name." Good luck she said before running off to a group of people. That's some hope at least. Nick could be here crossing with them right now! God I hope hes okay.

I looked around. Soldiers appeared from behind cars shooting people down one after another. The people around me were dropping dead. Please say this isn't where I die. I need to find my family. A soldier with dark blonde brown curly hair and light blue eyes walked twords me. My head started spinning. My ears were ringing from all the noise and gun shots. I stumbled away from the man. I turned around and tried to run. My legs gave out and I collapsed to the ground. I hit my head on a car mirror on the way down and my head started bleeding. I'm going to die and I never got to say goodbye. I never got to say I love you one more time to my family. "I l-love" I choked out before I fell unconscious.

My eyes opened and closed everything was blurry I saw someone. I think I was being carried. I couldn't remember because I fell unconscious again.Or maybe I was dead.

I awoke and to my surprise was not in fact dead. Maxine Clark lives another day, I thought to myself. I was laying on a couch. I rolled over and stared at the ceiling. My vision was a bit blurry still. I noticed a familiar boy staring at me. Wait where the hell was I? "Oh your awake. Tea? Coffee wasn't brewed." The boy looked up from his notebook he was writing in and gestured to the cup or tea sitting on the desk. I sat up every part of my body hurt. It started to sink in that I had been basically kidnapped. Well not basically I was kidnapped.

"Where the hell am I?" I breathed heavily. "Woh woh woh calm down. I'm not going to hurt you..... probably not." He said with a slight smirk. "Wow that's so reassuring! How did I get here? Why am I here?" He opened his mouth to talk but I ignored him. "Oh my gosh it feels so good to talk! Who are you!"- He cut me off by covering my mouth. My mood swung back and fourth in the ramble. "You done?" He asked with an amused face. I rolled my eyes and nodded. He removed him hand. "I'm Troy.. and allow me to explain, you where crossing the boarder and the boarder is a dangerous place. People try to steal our fuel there are attacks.-" I cut him off. "I quite obviously wasn't attacking I can hardly walk I look dead." "We still have to process you.-" "What does that mean?" I asked confused. "We need to know where you came from who you came with if someone else is joining and who and how many and what direction your going." He replied. "I came from Mexico... obviously. I don't know where exactly I've been walking alone for days. I need help I was looking for my family.." I frowned. "And you traveled North from Mexico.. Why Mexico?" He asked. " We- My family and I had a friend who had a place there." I stared out the window zoning out for a minute.

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