A/N I really hate writing so many of these

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Okay, for probably the second to last time, I am writing an author's note!!!!! Yay (sarcasm)!!!!! So, for those few people who are actually reading this story, I just want to tell you a few things.

I AM NOT GONNA BRING AMBER BACK INTO THE STORY!!!!!!! I'm to those few people who ship Nimber (Cocoadream2003 and Jason) but they will no longer be together. It's kind of hard to have a long distance relationship when one person in the couple are trapped in the Void and almost dead.

Also, I have another story. Yes, another. But it's actually pretty good!!! IT IS CALEO!!!!!! YAY FOR LEO LOVES!!!!! Although I sometimes wish it were me instead of Calypso...

And as you can tell, I'm in a state of chaos. I am completely torn over Leo and Nico. I have taken a sudden interest in Leo after reading the Blood of Olympus. It made me want to love Leo. And then there's this whole Solangelo thing that has been made after the BoO. I'm just not sure.

And I'm also a complete wreck. I finished the Blood of Olympus about 9 and a half hours after I got it. I cried. A LOT. I still lay awake at night thinking about it, crying about it. My older sister mocks me. She says, "Haha. He died." And I'm just like, "WELL GUESS WHAT! FRED DIED!!!" And she would just stare at me like, "You wanna go, bitch?" and I'm just like, "LETSGO!"

Sorry for ranting online. I normally only rant to Jake on Facebook.

Anywho, I have 2.45K reads on the first book!!!! YAY!!!! Not to mention the fact that I have almost 200 votes!!!! I never got to say this before, but I got my hundredth vote thanks to Cocoadream2003!!! Go follow her or I will hack your account and do it for you!! JK JK JK. Maybe....

I love you guys!!

Now for the real reason I made this in the first place. How should I end this story? I was thinking that I could either make another chapter and an epilogue, or I could just make an epilogue now and finish the story like that. And maybe if you have any ideas, another addition to these books could happen. Trilogies are always nice. Everneath was a good trilogy. Brodi Ashton was the author...I'm getting off track.

Okay!!! That's all for now!!! Watch out for the TACOPOCALYPSE!!!

Leo hugs and Nico loves,

M. Leigh

Question: #TEAMLEO or #TEAMNICO?


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