Pass or Fail: Kakashi's Survival Test

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Time Skip....

Nozomi's P.O.V

At 5am, I had headed out to Training ground 7 walking there alone with my tan-coloured backpack which held the Hyuga symbol on the front. Once we were nearing the distance we could all see each other. Naruto and Sakura yawning tiredly while Sasuke and I didn't look phased at the difference on time to when we would usually wake up.

"Morning.." Sakura yawned out tiredly barely able to say one word.

Naruto was walking from the path north of me and Sakura came from the west, whilst Sasuke came east. Naruto was looking so sleep-deprived that he looked as though he was sleep-walking. He started mumbling some nonsense that none of could understand.

We all met up in the middle, somehow forming a square with all our bags in the middle. Time went on as the sky soon changed from dark to light, almost as though we were waiting for hours. 'Which we were' I thought bitterly.

Naruto was still tired as he was sitting on the ground, Sakura acting as though she could handle it trying to impress Sasuke but, she soon had to sit down as her legs were tiring out.'If he was going to end up showing up late he could've at least given us a message or left a note.' I thought annoyed. The sun was right up in the sky which meant we had been waiting there for about six hours when Kakashi-Sensei decided to show up, not even walking, he teleported in front of us.

"Morning everyone, ready for your first day?" he asked in his regular tired voice as if he did nothing wrong.

"Hey! You're late!" Sakura and Naruto shouted while Sasuke stood there with crossed arms as I also stood in silence not making any moves.

But you know what ticked me off? His reply.

"Well a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way." He said with an innocent closed-eye smile. Sakura and Naruto growled like little hamsters at Sensei.

"Well," He cleared his throat "let's get started."

"Huh?" Naruto asked confused as we all watched him move over to a log and put a timer on it, changing its setting.

"It's set for noon" He clicked the timer.

"Hmm..?" Naruto grumbled looking equally as curious as Sakura did. I was too but i couldn't allow myself to lose my composure in front of them.

"You're assignment is very simple. You just have to take these bells from me. That's all there is to it." He said giving the bells a little shake. "If you can't get them by noon, you go without lunch." He said simply making Naruto yell out a 'Whaaaa?'

"You'll be tied to those posts and you'll watch as I eat my lunch in front of you".

'I knew it, he is a sadist'.

As if on cue, all our stomachs grumble all of us thinking the same thing 'So that's why - he told us not to eat breakfast - to make it harder on us.'

"Wait a minute! There's four of us, how come there's only two bells?" The pink-haired banshee said, as if we didn't know.

Kakashi let out a short and quiet chuckle "Well that way, at least one of you will be tied to the post and ultimately disqualified, for failing to complete the mission. Those two go back to the academy. Of course, since this team has four members, it has to be two, if there had been three of you it would've been one."

Naruto let out an annoyed and determined grumble "Then again, all four of you could be flunked out too. You can use any weapons including shuriken. If you're not prepared to kill me, you won't be able to take the bells." He said it so simply, as if we weren't told we had to try and kill him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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