Part 19

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~Y/n's POV~
In this moment we hear the door lock being opened and Skylar walks in.
Y/n: Good that you are here I have to tell you guys something. Come here for a moment please.
She comes to us and sits down in front of the Tv as well.
Y/n: So you know I babysit those two boys right?
They nod and I continue.
Y/n: So their family wants to go on vacation in Spain and asked if I would consider going with them. They would pay for everything but I told them that I would want to at least pay for my own flight ticket. They would pay me for babysitting but I would also have time to enjoy the time there. I would like to go but I wanted to ask you guys what you think.
M:I think you should go. I think a vacation would be good for you. You are really stressed from the school stuff.
S: I agree with Madison. You could use a vacation. And you would be getting payed for going to Spain and spending time with people you like.
Y/n: You guys are right and the school year will be finished then. Okey I'll tell her I will go with them. Thanks guys.
I give them a hug and take my phone  and text Mrs.B to tell her that I would like to go with them. She texted me back saying that the boys are all really happy about that.
I go to bed because I have school tomorrow in the morning.

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