Part 29

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~Rye's POV~
My phone starts vibrating and I look at it. First I'm excited because Y/n texted me but when I see her texts I get scared. My facial expressions go from neutral to happy to scared.
A: What's wrong?
I show him the texts and text her back but I don't get a response.
R: Sorry but I have to see if she is okey!
A: I understand. Do you want me to come with you?
R: It's okey I better go alone.
I rush to get two jumpers one for me and one for her if she needs it. I run to my car and drive to her house. The door to the flat is open so I storm to her room.
R: Y/n?
R: Y/n?!
When I find her room I see her laying on the floor.
R: Y/n!!
I get on my knees and look if she is still breathing. Thanks to god she is but once again she is knocked out. I do exactly what I did the last time. After about 5 minutes the ambulance arrives and takes her with her and I'm allowed to go with them because I tell them that I'm her boyfriend.
When we arrive at the hospital they tell me I'm not allowed to come with them. So I wait in a waiting room. After some time they bring me a bag with her wallet, phone and some other things. I'm waiting when her phone starts ringing and in the screen appears the name: Skylar. I pick up and say.
R: Hello Y/n's phone?
S: Hello who is this and why do you have Y/n's phone?
R: I'm Rye and who are you. I have her phone because she is in hospital.
S: Rye? Rye Beaumont?
R: Yes
S: God damn! Wait did you say she is in hospital?!
R: Yes but who are you again?
S: I'm her roommate! Which hospital?
R: *Name if the hospital*
S: Why?
R: You better come here I'll tell you everything I know when you arrive.
S: Okey.
15 minutes later two girls arrive in a rush and one screams my name as if she is was a fan. The other looks at me as if she wants to kill me!
S: Rye! Why does she always end up in a hospital when she has something to do with you?
R: No you're misunderstanding. I found her, she text me that she needed help. She was knocked out when I found her.
M: She was spending time with Nick! Do you think he hit her?
R: I warned her! Why didn't she listen to me?!
I say falling back into the seat of the waiting room.
D: Who is Miss Mitchell's Boyfriend?
I stand up fast and say Yes.
D: She is still unconscious but you can visit her.
R: Can her two best friends come with me. They are her only family! Please.
D: Okey.
R: Thank you
We all go to her room before the doctor changes her mind. I open the door of her room and I can already smell her sweet Parfum. When I see her tears form in my eyes again. The other girls are already crying. I can't control myself and start too.

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