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"Thief! Thief! Stop him!"

Isa ran as fast as he could. He was running away to save himself, because he stole from a woman. He was forced to do so all because he couldn't find a way to save his mother. His siblings were alone at home.

................................................................3 hours ago.........................................................................

As usual, Isa sat near the lamp post, playing his flute. He was playing it non-stop. Today he had to earn more, his mother was in need. He was thinking about joining a shop for selling or job related to it, but then no one would pay him on the first day. He kept playing the melody for 2 hours but found no luck. He counted his money which wasn't enough to get a doctor. So he decided to buy over-the-counter medicine from the medical shop.

Walking down the road, he saw many medicals. But most of them were closed due to afternoon. People went to pray. He kept walking until he saw one medical. He decided to ask there. Carefully, stepping over the pavement, he entered the shop. There was a middle aged lady sitting behind the desk. She wore round glasses. She looked upon the boy and narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, what do you want?"

"My mother is ill. She has a fever. Can you give me any medicine for that?"

"Did you consult a doctor? Maybe her illness is due to some other reason"

"My siblings are at home with her. I need to hurry back home".

"Okay, let me see. Did you bring money?"

Isa nodded. The woman began searching up and down the shelves. The shop was small but spacious. There were glass shelves filled with tonics and pills. On one side was a cute cabinet with various baby stuffs. There were baby shoes, feeding bottles, teethers, tiny combs and toothbrushes. The thought of his baby sister filled his mind. He thought about buying baby shoes for her on her first birthday. The lady put a tonic, two packets of pills and another box of pills in front of him.

"14 lira, kid. I am giving you a discount. You can pay me 12 lira. I have never seen you around, are you new here?"

Isa checked his earnings. He was short by five lira.

"Can I pay you 7 lira now, and 5 tomorrow?"

"No money, no medicine. You wasted my time" said the lady through her specs.

"But my mumma is ill. I need them. Please! You can take my flute for it. I will come tomorrow and pay you the rest" pleaded Isa. He was close to crying.

The lady showed no interest in this plea. She began to attend another customer, who had walked in behind Isa. She forgot to put back the medicines. Isa thought of it as a golden opportunity. But then he remembered his mother's words of never stealing, "A good person never steals from other". But he had no choice. Quickly he took the medicines, and stuffed them in his jacket pockets. Then, without looking back, he ran out. Finding her supplies missing and the boy dashing out, she too, ran after him like a raging bull.


Isa was finding hard to run any longer. His lungs were weak from less intake of oxygen. Before he could think of anything else, a hand landed on his back, pushing him to the ground.

"Catch him. Don't let him go" shouted the few people who caught Isa.

Among them were 2 men and the shop lady. The lady began to slap Isa. He looked down in shame. If his mother finds out about it, she would be devastated. He was crying but no one was bothered to see it. It was a heinous crime to steal. An offence which could land him in jail.

He was praying while sobbing when suddenly, a man stood in front of him, like a rock.

"Stop. What are you doing? He is a small child. Don't you have a heart?" he said angrily.

"He is no child. He stole medicines from my shop. He should be handed over to the police", said the shop lady stiffly.

"You want the money? Fine. Take it from me. ", replied the man.

"Fine. Take the fall for him. Pay me 14 lira"

The man quickly took out his wallet and handed her the money. The woman took it quickly, and after counting it, left. The man turned to Isa, who was still looking at the ground.

"Now, tell me why did you steal medicines? You don't look sick"

Isa slowly looked up into the man's eyes. The man had light green eyes, and black hair. He was quite tall and wore brown trousers with blue shirt.

"Fo..r m..y mo...ther. Sh..e is.. ill", Isa said between his sobs. The man took pity at Isa.

"Did you eat? You look so pale", the man put his hands on Isa's shoulders and comforted him.

Isa nodded his head. He was indeed very hungry. In the morning, he ate very less so that his siblings would eat. The food they had was very less. And after all this he was hungrier.

"Let's eat something then. Come on"

They went to a nearby eatery, but it was full. So they went into a restaurant. The ambiance of it made Isa look at it in awe. The man chuckled at it. They sat on a chair with round table. They ordered grilled chicken, salad and strawberry milkshake. Isa and the man talked about everything. He told the man about their plight and day to day struggle. The man, on hearing his story got him some food packed. After they were done, Isa realized it was very late. He had to return home soon. He thanked the man and asked his leave. Before going, he realized he didn't ask the man's name.

"It was nice meeting you Isa. My name is Selim. Selim Ekrem. Say salaam to your family, and kisses to your baby sister. May your mother get well soon Isa."


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