Chapter 7: let's talk

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Kaycee's POV

"Mom, can I talk to you?" I asked entering the living room where she and dad were watching TV.

"Of course, sweetie, come here." she said, already starting to get a bit frustrated.

"No, actually, I want to talk to you.. privately" I said, insecurity coming out with my usually soft voice.

"Oh, okay.." she replied, already starting to sweat.

We started both walking upstairs, going straight to my room.

The awkward silence making me more nervous than I already was.

I could feel a bit of pressure in my mind when choosing the right words to tell her what I knew.

It was an important and delicate topic.

And one single word could ruin everything, especially our relationship as a mother and a daughter.

We then both settled softly on my not so big bed, without looking at eachother, at first.

I was the one that broke the silence, not so surprisingly.

"So.. you know Sean? The Asian lifeguard guy from the Waterpark?" I said, gulping anxiously after my first sentence.

"Yeah.. umm.. w- why, hon- ney? Do you.. like him?" she asked me, trying to deny the fact that I maybe knew something she did that was really bad.

"N- not really.. umm.. I - i mean.. we found out something that caught our attention and we just wanted to know if it was either true or not. So.. okay.. here I go.." I paused a few seconds, trying to figure out the right words to tell her.

I could already feel her stressed out about the thing I was going to tell her.

A slight nervous smile appearing on her lips.

"When me and Sean met for the first time, we both already noticed something familiar in one another. It was strange at first cause.. we both looked like somebody from the past. Just like we already knew eachother but didn't at the same time. And wow, he definitely wasn't like any other guy out in the world. I mean he's sweet, caring and he even is a danc-"
"go to the point, Kaycee." mom interrupted me, making me realise that I already had chosen some wrong words.

Or maybe sentences.

After the realisation, I apologised and continued talking. "Okay sorry. So, he told me that approximately five years ago his dad left him and his family for another woman, without even saying why. That woman ruined his family. And his life. He then described me this woman. She had blonde dyed hair, big shiny hazel eyes and linear dimples on both of her cheeks." I said, emotionless, her eyes already wide open.

"After he told me all that detailed memory, I remembered something also from approximately five years prior. I saw you with another man. Yes you. My supposed mother." I said, anger making my cheeks redder than usual.

A tear fell on her cheek, her face now shocked.

I proceeded "That man, mom, had dark brown hair, big dark brown eyes, a very unique smile and features that indicated his Asian origins." I stopped, taking a deep breath to calm down.

"At first I thought that maybe it was just a coincidence, but later, after what I remembered a description of that woman that "casually" corresponded to YOURS, I threw that idea in one of the many garbage bags in my head in which I put other disgusting memories in. Now, even if that woman wasn't you, which can be impossible, could you AT LEAST tell me why you cheated on dad in the past?!" I then questioned with strength in my voice, enough to make my mom answer my question immediately.

"it's something from the past, okay?! I didn't want to cheat on dad so I stopped seeing that man! I love Brad TO DEATH and I knew it was wrong!" she furiously stated, trying to hide the scared side of her.

It was, unfortunately for her, though exposed to my face.

"Well that makes me wonder another question that I'll ask you after this one. Do you remember getting kicked out of that man's house in one of your many hang overs?" I asked emotionless.

".. yes." she just said.

"Oh okay so that gives me reason to ask you that last question. Do you know you ruined that man's family's life? Do you EVEN imagine how many trouble and periods of crisis they've been through? Sean told me EVERY SINGLE THING. How many meltdowns his mom went through. How she lost her job. How MIRACULOUSLY they still had a home and other stuff that you don't want to hear. You ruined those people's lives. You took that woman's love. You made Sean wonder whether he was the cause of his dad cheating on his mom for another woman. His older sister was the only one that was working, getting just enough money to keep their house and eat and drink." I said, anger taking over my body.

She started sobbing.

I honestly didn't even care about her sobbing anymore.

An apology or a sob to Sean's family wouldn't give them back any of the many years they spent having an economic crisis.

I didn't care about her crying nor sobbing, at that point.

She ruined four people's lives and even if SHE was my mom.. I DIDN'T CARE. AT ALL.

After my touching talk and her sobs, she started talking too.

"I'm so sorry for everything they went through, really. And if you knew everything you wouldn't be THIS mad-" "then tell me. Tell me every single detail imaginable. Go on." I stated once more, still with anger flowing in my body.

"Okay.. That night I went over to Chuck's house to talk to him about our wrong relationship because I didn't want to lose you guys the way he lost his family. So we went there and started talking. I, after our little talk, told him that I wanted to go home and think of a way to not ruin anyone's life, and then kissed him. Unfortunately, in that exact moment, his wife entered the house, scaring the hell out of us both. Miya then kicked him out of his house. I told him that it was obviously wrong and that he needed to talk to her and figure out a pacific way to get out of that situation, but he didn't listen. He then told me that he didn't want his family anymore. He just wanted me. In that moment I left without saying anything and that's the last time I've ever seen him. I'm sorry Kayc, I really am. I know it won't solve anything but I just wanted to let you know that I didn't mean to ruin that family."

Wow. It all was so much.

I found out so many things that day that shocked me.

I needed to process, A LOT, so I just told her to leave my room and let me think of the situation.

She still remained sad and anxious, but preferred just faking a smile on her face.

I literally had no words.

So she wanted to leave him, but HE was the one to not leave HER.

I didn't know whether I should've been mad at her or a bit happier to know that she really didn't want to stay with him.

I needed to think and tell Sean everything about it.

It was a mess, a BIG mess, but I intended to make the right decisions.

Then I started thinking about all that stuff, trying to process the new informations..

Author's note: okay this was a bit more dramatic and I exposed the angry Kaycee (you're welcome:))
Please let me know if you enjoyed it, that would mean a lot to me.
Have a great day.
Love u guys💖

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