Chapter 3: the meeting

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Sean's POV

"Just breathe, calm down, it'll be alright, just believe in yourself and remember why you're doing it."
Sarah and Serris kept repeating.

I was so nervous, even if they were right. "I can do it. I'm gonna do it. Do it for dance, Sean. Just do it for dance."

I even tried to shake the nervousness away by dancing to my favorite song. Falling like the stars by James Arthur.

I even did a short choreography to it. But it felt like time just blocked.

And it couldn't pass faster.

It was so annoying at first, then, the day came.

The big day

Kaycee's POV

"Finally, WE'RE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN TOGETHER WOOHOOO!" my sister kept jumping around the house and screaming of happiness.

Her joy gave me motivation to forget about all those things with Gabe and his friends.

It was finally the big day. I was FINALLY going to have fun with my family and not care about anything or anyone at all.

At least this is what I thought..

I got up around 8.30 a.m. and started immediately deciding what to wear.

After a long period of searching in my enormously big closet, I found 2 bikinis but, being the indecisive person I am, I didn't know if I should've picked a two-piece bikini or a very cute but not too childish one-piece.

Fortunately I had my mom and my sister's opinion on it too.

"I think you should wear the two-piece one cause it's cuter and looks better on you" my mom said.
"Yeah and you could even flirt with some cute guys there.. preferably a lifeguard if he's cute" Kylie said winking at me while saying it all with a cringey smirk on her face.

We all started laughing, until Devon came into my room, breaking the laughter.

"C'mon kiddos, we gotta leave in 15 minutes. Get your butts down stairs in 5 minutes, thank you very much." he said with an annoyed but playful look on his face.

"Kayc, don't forget the pills" my mom reminded me.

For the confused ones, I took some pills cause I had a condition that would make me faint if I didn't take them regularly, once a day.

But the little head-in-the-clouds girl that I am, forgot about them, and that's when the real fun was starting to come..

Sean's POV

Shoot, it was already 9 a.m. "The alarm must've not rang" I thought to myself.

I needed to be at work by 9.30 and the travel time from my house to the Waterpark was 20 minutes long, I had to hurry.

"What if I'm not gonna make it on time? What if they don't like me and fire me before even finishing the first day at work. Oh my God, I'm screwed" I started saying, louder and louder until I heard my mom's voice

"Honey, you don't have to do this, I'm gonna find a new job and everything will be just fine."

"yeah, too bad that it has already been 5 years and you still hadn't found a job yet" I thought.

"It's okay. Really mom, i want to do this for myself" i said instead.
"Okay but hurry, it's late and you should go" my mom replied.

"Thanks, i love you, I'll se ya later, okay? Bye mom." I didn't let my mom finish her goodbye as i slammed the door behind me, going straight to my car.

I really wanted to do this for myself. And i did indeed.

Kaycee's POV

Once we got to the Waterpark my sister went running straight to buy the tickets to access to the amazingly big pool, almost falling to the ground after hitting accidentally a little rock.

Obviously, being the goofballs we are, me and Devon started laughing.. out loud.

Too loud that some people started giving us confused and annoyed looks.

That obviously made us laugh even more, until something caught my attention.

A weird, sweaty, Asian guy, around my age ran past us and even gave me a little push from the back which gave all my attention to him.

Once he bumped into me he stopped for a second, looking deep into my eyes.

It was a weird feeling, but in all honesty.. I liked it.

He had those big brown glowy eyes, a perfectly clear skin and a wavy dark brown mess of hair, almost like he had just woken up.

It actually looked really nice on him, all natural and stuff.

After the deep glaze, he started talking.

"Hey, uhm- sorry for.. uhm- bumping into you i- didn't mea-" "it's okay, I'm fine, don't worry." I interrupted him, chuckling in amusement at his nervousness

"oh God, it's my first day here at this job and I'm really sorry, I really didn't mean to bump into you like that. Oh, by the way, i- uh.. I'm Sean" he said with a kind of "confused at the situation" look on his face.

He looked like he had just seen a ghost, which made me smile, making my cheeks become a little red.

He tried to cover up the pale look with a cute and shy smile which revealed a cute little dimple on each cheek.

He was really cute and looked like a nice person, but he was weird and strange at the same time, or maybe it just was all in my head..

Sean's POV

"Those eyes and that smile. It's like I've seen them somewhere.. I'm not sure. She looks familiar, yet like a stranger.. I don't know, it's weird."

She had some big (and confusingly familiar) hazel eyes, which were literally with stars in them.

She even had a very cute smile that also revealed a cute little dimple on her left cheek, almost under her eye. It was cute and pretty.

She was cute and pretty.

But also too familiar.

She had beautiful curly brown hair with some light shades of a much lighter brown color at the tips of her hair.

It looked very well on her. She was beautiful..

oh my God Sean what's happening with you? Calm the HECK down. She's just a normal girl..

Well, after telling her that my name was Sean, she immediately replied with "I'm kaycee, and this is my first time coming to this waterpark" she said all giggly, her voice was soft and cute too.

Wow, Sean calm you hormones. She's just a girl.. a cute girl with a cute voice that looks like she is a good person.. maybe she really isn't like any other girl.

Unfortunately, I had to go, so I just continued "well, it was nice to meet you Kaycee, i hope you have lots of fun here" I said with my voice shaking.

"Well, have fun watching for people's lives Sean, I'll see ya around here." She said waving at me.

I just gave her a thankful and happy smile, revealing too much the dimples I have, as I continued walking rapidly into the waterpark.

Ugh, she was so nice.. too nice to me after bumping into her like that.

Maybe she was very different than other girls, we just had to wait and see, I guess.

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