The Pasta and the Tomato

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The Pasta and the Tomato

Veneziano opened the door to his and Romano's house, very depressed. He wasn't his normal cheerful self, he was sad.

Romano looked over at him, "Why'a are you so down?"

Italy sat next to him, "Well Mr. Germany was extra tough on me today'a...and he was being very, well'a....less Germany-ish....."

Romano rolled his eyes, "You're just being'a baby. I thought'a he was always tough on you."

"Yeah yeah! He is but nothing like this!!!!.......enough about me fratello...How'a was your day?"


"Oh No! What happened fratello?"

"I had to spend the day with Spain and his ditsy friends....

"How is that bad? I like Spain and all his friends! Why don't you?" Romano mumbled something Italy couldn't hear. He shook his head and wondered off into the kitchen. Italy made his way over to him, and started looking at the ceiling. He usually does that when he's in deep thought. Romano looked at him with his usual grimace.

"And what are you thinking about idiot?"

"Oh? Oh, I was just thinking what it would be like to...I wouldn't like it."

Romano slapped him on the forehead, "I hate it when you do that! Finish your sentence!"

Italy rubbed his head, "O-...I was just thinking what it would be like to, yeah know, switch places?" Southern Italy frowned, letting out an annoyed grunt.

"You seriously think I would want'a to spend anymore time then I already do with'a that potato freak'a?! It's bad enough I have to be with'a his brother!" Italy inched back, trying to think of a witty thing to say back.

"And do you SERIOUSLY believe that he would think I was you?! Our curls are on the wrong side Veneziano!!! That's a dead give away! And our hair is different colors! AND I SOUND NOTHING LIKE YOU!!!" Romano finally calmed down enough to let Italy get a word in. He seemed satisfied with his last sentence.

"But Romano, think about it! It might work'a. We always talk and compare'a our days trying to make ours seem the worst! Why don't we see for ourselves?" Romano was about to shoot it down, but he was a little curious on how he spends his days. Him growing a little tired of his normal, daily life.

"Alright. Fine'a. Let's say I would agree to do this... How would we change'a our looks and voices." Not to mention personalities!" Pfttt- lulz! (what's wrong with me?)

"We could dye'a our hair! And we could part our hair on different sides and comb'a the curls over," Ouch, they thought. "We can wear each others clothes'a and mimic our voices! Doesn't seem that hard right?"


"Really?....Do you think that would work?" Italy nodded an enthusiastic 'yes'.

"Then let's try it idiota. I have to support you in some way. I am your brother after all." Italy let out a 'Yahay!' and ran out to his car. Italy translated that to, 'Let's try it genius. I'm to proud to say it but I want to do this. Shut up and get in the car.' It comes from living with him for so long, yet, translations may vary. (Kinda like google translate, no?)

So the Italys went to a corner store and bought women's hair dye. Veneziano thought that it was quite normal, which bugged Romano to no end. He was really embarrassed because he was buying a women's product and everyone looked at them funny.

"Okay big brother! Which do you think looks like your hair the most?" He held out two different choices that could possibly be his hair color.

"Shhhh! Idiot! Don't be so loud!" he snapped back in a loud whisper. "I don't know!, this one!" Romano finally began to go along with it, because he knew the longer he didn't the longer he had to stay there. Feliciano contemplated for a second, and then nodded an excited 'yes'. He handed the one they picked out to Romano, who thought about not grabbing it, but he did anyways. Ita-Chan turned around and started to look for another one that matched himself. It took him several minutes just to find two to choose from. He eventually turned around to his brother and motioned for him to choose. Romano looked down to see the names the dye was given. Rustic light brown or twisted red cherry blossom. Was he color blind? Romano didn't even take a second to answer, he just pointed to the most obvious one.

Italy got really excited, "Yay!!! That's the one I wanted you to pick!!!" Feli skipped away to go buy them, with Romano right behind him face palming himself.

On the drive home, since Italy was driving, Romano read the instructions on the back of the dye box. Italy had requested he do so, so a mad Romano did.

"Instructions. Step one, Getting to know'a your hair. Before you dye'a your hair, mess around with it so you know where you wish'a to dye. We can skip that step. Step two, measuring How much dye to use. Pfttt- just measure, we have'a measuring cups at home. Step three, dye your hair and take a shower....Well that was'a self explanatory. I read it, happy now?"

"Romano! Don't skip the steps! If you do we might do it wrong!"

"It's seems simple enough. How could'a we get something so easy done wrong?" Italy thought for a moment, and then just nodded his head.

They got home and began messing around with the new product they bought. Romano wanted to take a siesta, but Italy was persistent, so he gave in.

Italy was skipping around the bathroom looking at the pretty dye box that he was going to use. Romano looked at his and couldn't even imagine him with that color hair.

"Okay fratello!!! Let's try this!" Feliciano jumped up and down in front of him.

"Sure...Y-you go first!" Romano didn't know what he was doing, so why not he go first?


Feli just jumped right in, almost as if he knew what he was doing.  Since Romano was so stiff with the instructions, he made him read them aloud to him again.

All went fairly well, until they finished with the actual dying, and then he had to retreat to the shower.  Lovi preferred not to stick around for that part of the process and left in a hurry.

When Romano saw him again, he could barely believe his eyes.  He looked just like him with only the difference of facial expression!

"Sooo~ How do I look Romano?" Veneziano asked in his best Romano voice.

"Almost as good as me. I guess it's my turn now. Come on." 

When both boys were finished dying, parting, and combing their hair, they moved on to how to speak.

"Listen fratello~! Try sounding cheerful and raise your voice a few octaves!"

Lovi cleared his throat, "Uhm.....Vee~~~ Look at me I'm a retard and like potatoz~~~ YAHAY!"  Italy glared, I don't sound like that! I'm sure I will have nightmares now...ooyy.

"Come on Roma~ Be serious! At least try to mimic me!" Italy whined.

"Okay Okay. I'll try again, but you hafta give me something to say unless you want me to make up some random crap."

Feli thought for a moment.

"Uhm okay.  Say, "Ciao~ My name is Veneziano Vargas!"

"Ciao~ My name is Veneziano Vargas!"  Romano did his best to not raise his voice too high for it to be obnoxious.

As you can imagine, this went on for awhile.  After an hour of this madness, they finally got the right tone of voice for each other.  All they had to do now is change their clothes and mimic one anothers actions.

By the end of the day, you couldn't even tell they switched places.  By the end of the day....They were ready.

((whooooa. I started writing this A LONG TIME AGO.  I thought since tomorrow is their birthday I should finished this story and post it. Enjoy it I guess. :I This story was left untouched for like...6months until now.  BYE BYE))

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