Back to Normal?

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Chapter 11 - Back to Normal? 


I groan slightly, the muscles in my back definitely didn't appreciate spending the night on the couch again. 100% blame Grant this time. I sigh slightly, and climb over the back of his couch so I don't wake him up.

We're going to ignore the fact that I definitely just woke up with Grant's arms around me, holding me into his chest. That definitely didn't happen. I shake my head.

I find my phone, sat right where I left it on the coffee table, and check the time. 7:28. We always get a later call time when we've been to Comic Con all weekend, so, given that we don't have to be at a table read until 9:30, I decide to make a hot breakfast.

Maybe 25 minutes later, whilst I'm spooning pancake mix into a saucepan, I hear Grant wake up.

"Hey, you don't have to make me breakfast, I'm doing a lot better after our day yesterday." He says, coming up to stand next to me at the stove.

"I know!This is as much for me as it is for you, Boo. We have a later call time, and I never get to eat breakfast this relaxed." Grant goes to hug me, in thanks, but I move away when I see it coming. He exhales, sounding almost offended, before going to the fridge to get the spreads out.

I can tell he thinks there's something going on with me, but after my realisation that he doesn't remember our conversation from the other night, I have no choice but to go back to normal and pretend it never happened.

We sit down to eat, both quiet, and tense. "C, something's going on. What's wrong? Did I do something?" I shake my head slowly, chewing the pancake in my mouth slowly.

"No, I'm always like this in the morning."

"Bullshit, we've carpooled to work a thousand times. We've had a hundred sleepovers. You're never like this in the morning. What's wrong?"

"Grant, I'm fine. I just didn't get enough sleep last night because the couch is so uncomfortable and that's the second time I've slept on it in the last 24 hours."

He nods slowly, as I finish my pancakes. "I'm going to go get ready. Please, please be ready to go by 8:40? You may have no problems being late, but I certainly do." He chuckles under his breath before smiling and nodding.

"I'll be ready."



It's been really quiet this morning. There's something going on with Candice but she won't tell me what it is. Still, I wander around, picking up essentials that Zoe, Jett and Nora will need for the day, as Candice showers.

After Candice finishes in the bathroom, I quickly jump in, briefly shouting at Candice that most of the dogs stuff was ready, they just needed to be fed. She seemed okay when she shouted back. But who knows.

I quickly run in and out of the shower, eager not to give Candice a reason to be even more annoyed. So I'm dressed and ready, about 15 minutes later.

"Okay, little ones, we're going to be good for Daddy today, he's going through some stuff. No pooping where you're to supposed to, so let's take you out now while we wait for your time management challenged father." I smile, hearing Candice talk to Jett and Nora as I walk downstairs.

"Now, now. It only took me 15 minutes to get ready, we're going to be early this morning."

"Wow, well there's a first time for everything Flash." She winks at me, and I'm super confused. I had come down here, eager to ask Candice if she really was okay, and she seems to have flipped a switch back to her normal self.

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