Chapter 12

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Sapphires POV
After we shopped around at a few stores we decided to get food. "We should go to that new cafe they put in on the side," Veronica suggested.

"I've actually been wanting to go there," I looked around, "we just have to figure out where it is,"

We started heading in a random direction, Veronica seemed a bit distracted on her phone and I just assumed it was Megan, I was wrong. We walked down the long hallway lined with stores. Veronica began frantically typing on here phone. "Who are you talking to?" I laughed.

"Um uh," she seemed a bit flustered, "nobody important,"

I looked at her bewildered. She never acts this way. Veronica love to share, everything. No matter how TMI the situation might be she loves to share. She never kept a secret from anyone. I squinted at her but decided to just shrug it off and continue to look for the cafe. I hummed softly along with the song that played from the mall speakers. Veronica finally looked away from her phone, "I think the cafe is this way," she pointed in the opposite direction of where we were heading.
"Oh okay," I turned around and began walking.

"This mall is too big for this," she groaned.

I laughed looking around. I immediately stopped. "What? What is it?" Veronica asked.

Tara stood about fifty feet away from us at one of those fancy boutiques that cost a fortune. I pointed at here and Veronica's face dropped. "Not her!" Veronica looked mad, "she's gonna ruin everything!"

I looked at her confused, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing lets just find that cafe," she started hastily walking in a very general direction.

I still had no idea where we were going. That didn't seem to matter though because Tara was storming over. "You!" Tara screeched, "What are you doing here?"

"Um well this is the public mall," Veronica replied.

"What are you doing to Liam? It's like you've brain washed him or something,"

"What are you talking about Tara?" I sighed.

"What am I talking abou? What am I talking about! What do you think I'm talking about? One minute Liam is pining over me and the next he's got his hands all over you."

"Maybe that's because she's his girlfriend? Oh yeah, and you cheated on him!" Veronica stepped in.

"I love him! I mean how can you be friends with this girl?" She turned to me, "you think everyone you love leaves you? You steal the ones people love from them!"

I felt my whole deminor shrink. Do I do that? I mean I did take Liam in a way.
"She didn't take anyone from you! Are you forgetting that you helped Bradley cheat on her. You were fully aware that they were dating but you just couldn't keep your hands off him. Then when you finally got someone you decide to cheat on him. You lost him even before Saphire talked to him. This was your own fault!"

"I loved Bradley!" Tears stung Tara's eyes, I almost felt bad for her, "You don't deserve Liam! He should be with me. Why would he ever stay with some low life loser like you!"

Almost, I said I almost felt bad for her. "At least I'm not a cheater." With that we walked away.

I heard her scream and stomp her foot on the ground behind us. Veronica laughed, "that was great,"

"It really was," I've never seen Tara that angry.

"Why were we always so scared of her?"

I thought about it for a second. We used to be terrified of Tara after the whole Bradley thing. She made it a point to destroy me and would do everything to get me in trouble. I think I got put in detention at least twice a week. The whole school hated me. Then Liam came along and it seemed Tara had her mind occupied on other things. I fell out of her radar and everything was back to normal. Then, of course, life came back to bite me in the butt and I was Liam's lab partner. Tara was furious claiming I was trying to steal him from her. She hated us being together at anytime. She was out for blood, again. It's been that way since they started dating. Things weren't as bad though because at least now I stood up for myself, sort of. "Probably because she used to try to destroy my life,"

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