Chapter twenty four

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Chapter twenty four
When I entered the room Liam was sitting on the bed. He was doing absolutely nothing and seemed to be lost in thought. I took a seat next to him, the bed dipping.

He didn't say a word. I held my breath, waiting. My mind races with a million thoughts. What if he doesn't want to be with me? What if he's about to break up with me? What if he didn't like the kiss? What if it was just to tease me?

"I like you," he finally blurred out.

I inhaled sharply.

"I like you a lot," he continued, "I know you said you weren't ready to date and if you want to wait, I'll wait for you. Or if you want to reject me now and never see me again I'll understand and I'll leave you alone if that is what you want. But if you feel even slightly as strongly about me as I feel about you than I think we can really make this work. I promise you, I won't leave you like your dads and I swear I would never do anything like what Bradley did to you. I will never lay a hand on you and I promise I won't cheat on you. I would be an idiot to do something like that.
"Sapphire, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I really think we could make this work: a real relationship. None of the fake stuff, real. We could go on real date and I could kiss you because I wanted to not because I'm supposed to, not that I haven't already been doing that,"

I let out a small laugh, my heart about to pound out of my chest. My smile was so big my face began to ache. Liam seemed too scared to look at me.

"I want the real thing with you. I want to do it all. I want to be able to hold your hand and cuddle with you and play with your hair and do all of it. I want to be with you, I want to be your real boyfriend," he took a deep breath.

I remained frozen in place. Is this really happening? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Liam wanted a real relationship, he wanted to be with me, for real this time. "Then why did you tell me you loved me as a friend?" I blurted out without thinking.

What? Why would you say that? Are you stupid? He just professed his feelings for you and you said that!

He let out a small laugh, although I could hear the worry in his voice, "I don't know, I was scared you would find out how I felt about you,"

I nodded softly, "So why tell me now?"

What are you doing? Just tell him you like him back before he changes his mind.

Before he changes his mind. That set off a million more fears. Before he changes his mind. What if he did change his mind? I was going to get heartbroken again.

"Because, you were going to fake break up with me soon so I figured it was now or never,"

Tears stung my eyes, my bottom lip quivered. Liam jumped up almost immediately and grabbed my hand, "Hey, hey it's okay," he wiped a tear from my cheek, "What's wrong?"

I choked back my sobs. Geez I look like a mess. This definitely was not how I thought this night would go. I barely managed to get the word out, "And what happens when you change your mind?"

It was inevitable. Eventually, he would end up changing his mind. He would leave just like everyone else.

Liam squeezed my hand tightly and tilted my face so that I made eye contact with him. His piercing blue eyes were filled with sincerity, "I'm not going to change my mind. I'm yours Sapphire Kingston, if you want me to be. I'm not going anywhere,"

He pulled me up on his lap so that I was straddling him. I pressed my forehead to his, both of our eyes fluttering close. I stayed like that for a moment, breathing in the scent of vanilla and apples. "I like you too," I whispered, "I have for a while, I was just too scared to tell you," I opened my eyes hesitantly.

Liam already had his eyes opened, a breathtaking smile spread across his face. "Really?" His smile widened, which I didn't even think was possible.
I gave him a small nod. He jumped up, taking me with him, before spinning me around. I let out a giggle. Liam set me back down before pressing his lips to mine. I was laughing a little bit too much to fully kiss him back. He pulled away leaving me standing there giggling like an idiot. Once I finally managed to calm down I kissed him gently. Sparks immediately ignited my skin as he pulled me tighter to him.

When I started this whole agreement to fake date the most popular guy in school, this is not how I thought things would end. This was the complete opposite of what I thought in fact. I guess Athena's blind dates really did help me find the guy of dreams.

But unfortunately dreams were simply just that, a dream. And before I knew it, life came crashing back down, reality hitting me straight in the face. I should have known it was all too good to be true.

It was now the end of the seasons trip and we had just gotten back to the school. I walked into the building holding Liam's hand. Athena and Sam were a little ways behind us. Tara stood beside me, her arm looped with mine.

I thought things with Tara and Liam would be weird but Liam didn't seem to care. He simply stated that he was glad things ended with Tara like they did or else he would have never gotten the chance to date me. He's so sweet.

Liam presses a kiss to my forehead, "I'll be right back I have to go grab something from the gym locker,"

I nodded, releasing his hand. He headed in the other direction while Tara and I went to grab our stuff from our lockers. "I'm so happy for you Sapphire, you and Liam are you cute together,"
"Thank you," I was happy for me too.

The two of us managed to grab our things from our lockers before Liam made his way back. I figured I would meet him halfway so we headed over to locker rooms.

Part of me wishes that I had waited at my locker for him. It would save me from a whole lot of heartbreak.

I chuckled at something that Tara said as we turned the corner. My eyes locked on the scene in front of me, my face falling.

Standing in front of me was Liam, his lips attached to some cheerleaders. I knew it was too good to be true. My stuff clattered to the ground, my heart breaking and my chest aching. Tears stung my eyes bc flowing down my cheeks. I desperately tried to heave for air, without any luck.

Liam pushed the girl away before turning to me,
"Sapphire wait!" He shouted, running towards me.

I shook my head, backing away.

"Sapphire," he reached for my hand.

He promised. He promised he wouldn't cheat on me. He promised!

All the memories of Bradley came flooding back. 'I will never cheat on you', 'I love you', 'She means nothing to me'. All lies  Bradley had said to me once.

"Sapphire wait please! She kissed me," Liam pleaded.

Bradley has said that once. It was a lie.

I shook my head furiously, turning around and sprinting out the front door. I passed Sam and Athena on the way out. Athena attempted to catch me but I was too fast. I heard Tara catch her up on what was happening, the two of them blocking Liam from getting to me. Before I knew it the school was simply a memory in the distance as I ran as fast as my legs could possibly take me.
He promised.

Happy birthday @peytenisbae76 !
I was very excited to write this chapter. There's only a few more chapters left, the book may end up being a few chapters longer than I expected. I'm not sure yet.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you thought about it.
Lots of love,

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