Chapter 14

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Sapphires POV
I shifted nervously as Athena pulled into the school parking lot. "Relax," she told me, "you'll be fine,"

I sighed fidgeting to unbuckle my seatbelt. I finally unbuckled it and stepped out of the car. "You are a mess," Athena joked.

I was fully ready to face Liam, after all nothing had changed between us. At least that's what I told myself until I saw Liam head over to our car. He headed across the court and made eye contact with me. He smiled the most breathtaking smile I had ever seen. My heart raced and my hands become clammy. "Athena I can't do this," I whisper yelled, slowly beginning to panic.

"Yes you can," she spoke with her teeth still clenched in a fake smile.

Liam caught up to us and swung his arm over my shoulder. "Hey," he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek.

My cheeks flamed up while Athena attempted to hold in her laugh. "How are both doing?" He asked, smiling.

Athena managed to answer first, "Oh we're doing plenty great," she laughed, "Well I'll leave you two alone,"

My head shot up and my eyes filled with panic, "No Athena wait!"I cried after her.

"Bye love you," she sang.

Oh no. I was all alone with Liam. He took his arm off my shoulders and I felt relieved for a little bit. He moved his arm down and took a hold of my hand. He's probably grossed out by how sweaty my hands are. He rubbed his thumb along the back of my hand. "So you ready for our date?" He smiled.

I nodded and mumbled in response. My face was so red I swear I looked like a tomato.

He laughed, "That seems promising. You know of course I get the girlfriend who loves horror movies. I mean that's the best part: holding them when they are scared,"

My cheeks flamed up. What is that supposed to mean? He just called me his girlfriend. There's no one that can hear us, or maybe it was just a precaution. Was he saying he wanted to hold me? Why would he if what we have is fake to him? My thoughts swarmed around in my mind as I become even more flustered. "Are you okay?"

I froze for a second as I tried to regain my composure. "I'm fine,"

"Uh oh, what did I do?" He asked looking concerned.

"What do you mean?"

"I know for a fact when a girl says she's fine she far from fine. What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong, it's a long story."

"I have time,"

Shoot. What am I supposed to say? I don't want to lie to him but I can't exactly tell him the truth. "It's nothing really," I turned to hug him avoiding eye contact.

"Okay," He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him, "I'll see you after class,"

He leaned down and kissed me. My lips burned from his touch. I felt my cheeks flamed up again. It was only a quick kiss but it was still enough to where I couldn't think properly. When he pulled away I just stood there for a second. "Okay bye," I managed to get out.

I turned and walked away my hand reaching up to touch my, still tingling, lips. Athena popped out from the corner where she was waiting for me, "So, how was it?" She squealed.

"He kissed me,"

"That's so amazing!"

"No, not amazing,"

"Oh, is he that bad?" She looked at me with a sad expression on her face.

I gawked at her, "No, he's that amazing. It was like I couldn't function or something! It wasn't even a long one," I groaned and rested my head against the wall.

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