Chapter five

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A kudos to my internet that didn't go out so I was able to write a new chapter ^^

"Hey Jace, you have a minute or two?"

Alec payed a surprise visit to Jace, after promising he wouldn't be a stranger and would be able to see Izzy as well.

Today was just one of those lazy days, when the institute wasn't on high alert of any demon attacks, which oddly subsided since Jonathan Morgenstern, who caused mass destruction to Idris and attacked every institute in the world.

Alec wished that maybe, just maybe, after the destruction of Edom, maybe all demons died with their home and with Lillith. It was a stupid wish, he knew, but it was better than nothing. The last time he'd ever fought a demon was out of his memory. He was married to a half one himself, so last week probably counted.

"Yeah, what's up?" Alex heard Jace's voice call back.

Alec grinned at the blond haired boy having trouble reaching a book on the institute's library shelf. Alec stood up to help Jace with the book, who didn't appreciate the fact that he had to be "helped." Jace shot him a stubborn look when Alec sat down, shaking his head at his brother. Even though Clary was basically out of his world, he was still the same Jace he'd known for all his life.

Speaking of Clary, it still pained Jace, Alec could tell.

Everyday, he knew Jace went to check on her, even though everyone warned him to stay away, it had been the cause of Clary remembering Jace's name. What happened after that, Jace hadn't told anyone, but, Alec was glad he stayed away, didn't involve himself as much in her life. The angel's wouldn't be too happy if Clary gained her memories back. Why give them back to her, when they had simply taken them away in the first place?

Her ability to create new runes and merge powers, is the reason of why she was able to save Magnus and all of the shadowhunter's from perishing, why did they show no mercy in giving her a second chance? Had she not been useful enough? He knew that binding downworlders and shadowhunters together wasn't exactly what the angels liked, but it wasn't Clary's fault for being thrown into this world without any preparation or knowledge of the angels.

But, Jace healed day by day taking baby steps. He had his family who would always be there for him.

"What's the book for?" He asked Jace. Other than his ongoing "book club" Jace was never a big reader. He only read when he had too, unless of it was a book about fighting, he was hooked in less than a second.

"This?" He held up a fading old brown book with no title or any words on it. Alec hated books like that, but also loved them. It frustrated him that there was no explanation on what it was about, but it was also, always interesting to find out what secrets the pages couldn't tell on the cover.

"It's some book about old runes Maryse wanted me to get for Luke, you know, since he's a big bad nephillim again he needs a little help remembering the runes."

Jace set the book down on the table, flipping through it, and then sat down across from Alec on the leather cushioned armchair.

The library's old scent of paper and wax suddenly reminded him of when Izzy accidentally broke something when she just started to practice using her whip, a vase maybe it was...when they were little. Alec remembered telling Izzy to hide behind the bookshelves, and Jace being Jace, had taken the blame for it.

He looked at Jace, who's face was serious, his pretty blond hair lingering in his eyes. He made no move to touch it.

"So what's up?" Jace asked again once he got settled. Alec shrugged.

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