353 Days

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-----------------------------------------------------Mike's POV-----------------------------

The last time I was separated from El, it lasted 353 days. I hoped I'd never be separated from her again, I was wrong. It's been even longer than last time, 436 days. I honestly can't wait, even though I'm able to contact her everyday, I'm still hurt. I'm so excited to see her again, even if it's just for a week. For El's Christmas present, I got her eggos, since I know how much she likes them. I take my walkie-talkie out and contact Dustin. "Can I borrow Cerebro again, to talk to El? Over" "Ugh again, I need it to, to contact Suzie! Over" "And what sing more again? Over" "Fine I'll met you next to Cerebro, over and out." I get my bike, and peddle my way over to Cerebro. I see Dustin, "Hey, Dustin." "Hi, Mike, excited for Christmas?" "Very, I can't wait to see El again." "You're not just excited to see El right? You know we will also be seeing Will." "Yeah, of course I'm excited to see Will as well. I'm excited to see both of them."  "Okay, Cerebro is all yours." Dustin then walks away. I grab cerebro and contact El.

"Hi El, are you there?"

"Yes, Mike."

"I miss you so much."

"I miss you too."

"6 days now, 6, I can't wait."

"Me neither."

"So, how are you doing?"

"Okay, I miss you, I also really miss hopper."

"Yeah, I don't know maybe there is a chance he's still alive?"

"I don't know, hope so."

"Hey, are you're powers back yet?"

"Well they are, but only for smaller objects. I think I still need to rest them for a bit, recharge."

"Yeah, okay, see you in 6 days, bye!"

"Bye, Mike."

-----------------------------------------------------Eleven's POV-----------------------------

I finish talking to Mike. I miss him so much, I miss Max, and I miss all of my friends. I don't even know how long I will get to see him for. "Joyce, how long will we stay for Christmas?" "I don't know, at least a week." "It's just I haven't seen my friends in a while, and I want to see them." "I understand El, we'll see, we might stay for more than a week." "Okay." I went to my and Will's room. "Hi, El, you excited to see Mike?" "Yeah, and Max, and Dustin, and Lucas." "Yeah me too, maybe we could even play DnD. Maybe we can teach you how to play." "What's DnD?" "Oh, it's this cool game, you'll see." "Okay, goodnight." "Goodnight."

(I know this seemed more like a Mileven chapter, but just wait and see. Next chapter will be about a group meeting, and then the chapter after that everyone reunites! Hope you're enjoying!)

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