Chapter three- RX (Medicate)

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-Content warnings-
Fizzy's part: Forced Drug Use. Drug Use. Blood. Violence. Light description of Fizzy throwing up. Misgendering. Deadnaming.
Jameson's part: N/A?
William's part: Unknowing Misgendering. Unknowing Deadnaming.
If I need to add more please comment.


Nicolas smiled, proud what he just done to his younger brother. He existed the bedroom to clean object and to refill for his own use. Fizzy sat on the bed clutching his arm, which had a tiny trickle of blood running down it. Fizzy closed his eyes, focusing on trying to fight the high from the drug Nicolas forced into his system. Fizzy wasn't winning.

When Nicolas returned with a clean and refilled syringe, Fizzy had lost the battle. Fizzy had a warm sensation throughout his body and he felt his skin go flush, he smile at Nicolas.

"Whacha got there, Nickie."

Nicolas rolled his eyes at the childish nickname as he pushed up his sleeve, "A mixture of my own drugs that I bought." Nicolas plunged the needle and inserted the liquid inside his body.

"What did ya give me?" Fizzy asked as he observed the drug being pushed into Nicolas's system.

"Nope none of that, you'll tell Jameson."

"No, I won't!"

"You did back in high school. Actually, now thinking about it, it was more fun back then because you actually put a fight." Nicolas looked at Fizzy, throwing the needle on the floor "When the fuck did you grew out of that rebellious faze, Ambrosia?"

Fizzy didn't answer, instead zoning out.

Nicolas growled and struck Fizzy across the face. "Fucking answer me, Ambrosia."

Fizzy held his hand against his face, " Then- Then call me Fizzy!"

Nicolas roughly grabbed Fizzy's chin, "Fucking stop. Stop being a stupid little snowflake and step out of that damn fantasy out of your head! Fuck whoever plays along with you and fuck anyone who encourages it-."

Despite being under the influence of a drug, flashes of the past appear in Fizzy's head. Nicolas's yelling becomes muffled and Fizzy's vision becomes obscure with images of memories. Fizzy's breathing becomes uneven and quick.

Nicolas released Fizzy from his grip and backed up. Nicolas eyes Fizzy before turning around and walking out the door; leaving Fizzy to spiral.

The room was silent except for Fizzy's harsh breathing and gagging. He had slide from the bed earlier and released the contents from his stomach onto the wooden floor of the bedroom. A soft knock on the door made Fizzy jump. The door creaked open; Victoria stepped into the room.

"Amb-" Victoria trailed off, noticing the puke on the floor, her rabbit ears twitched in discomfort. "Oh dear... I should have gotten the stomach medicine quicker than I did."

Fizzy looked up a Victoria, just now noticing the rabbit ears

"Have you always had bunny ears?" Fizzy slurred, "I- I don't go by Ambrosia... I go by Fizzy."

Victoria let out a chuckle, "Wow, you're out of it? But yes, though I do tie them back when I'm in public." Victoria kneeled down careful not to get to close to the puke or Fizzy.

Victoria rolled the stomach medicine towards Fizzy, before getting up, "I will send a few maids in here to clean your mess up."

Victoria typed something on her phone, "Three maids will be here in five minutes! They will also be bringing along a cute little blouson night gown for you to slip on, just until it's time for me to help you get ready for the meeting. And I believe the night gown is long sleeved"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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