Chapter two- Crooked Smile

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-Content warnings- Target's part: HTT being HTT. Fizzy's part: misgendering, and mentions of drugs and alcohol. If I need to add more please, comment.


Hit the Target paced the on the top of his fortress, phone in hand. He had woken up to Veeva nowhere to be seen. It seemed that she just straight up disappeared ! No letter, no next, no nothing!

Target glared at the mocking Funland Sign, a thought ran through his head.

"No... She wouldn't have dared." Target growled, irritation pumped through his veins, "... I knew it was mistake to let her be a spy when she got caught."

Target climbed down the ladder and into the base of his fortress. A machine stood powerless up against the wall, parallel to the entrance.

The machine was supposed to be ready today, but he needed Veeva's magic to make it function properly. Something on the floor caught his eye, a photograph skewed of the machine.

Once over there, Target recognized the picture instantly; his senior year of high school. He and Wi- that damn traitor had just arrived at Brightin for the tournaments. Target borrowed his eyebrows, while Veeva had known about him and how important asset he was before that damn cat ruined it, Veeva also knows that she isn't allowed to go through his fucking stuff.

Target looked at the picture again. It was also the day that *he* want Target to teach *him* dark magic.

Dark magic?...

Target let out a crooked smile and snatched the spell book off Veeva's bed. He flipped to the activation spell.

"Perhaps, I don't need her after all."

Target started to recite the spell.


Fizzy slipped into the back seat of the highly priced car. The smell of sex, drugs, and beer lingered in the seats suffocated him. Living in Lovely World had made Fizzy's tolerance for such smells disappear. Nicolas and his girlfriend got into the car; Nicolas started up the car and took off.

"So, this is Snowflake you talked about a lot so much!" The woman said, "I'm Victoria Nick's finance!"

Fizzy straightened up at this new information. A woman staying with Nicolas long enough for him to purpose is... New and slightly concerning. Did his brother finally turn a new leaf?

The car ride was mostly silent other than the rap music that was playing in the background. Fizzy paid no mind to it, but to play some games on his phone. As the car ride continued, Fizzy is reminded why he preferred walking and train rides than cars. Nausea hit Fizzy like a brick. By the time Nicolas reached his place, Fizzy is completely done with cars.

Fizzy wobbly stepped out of the car, feeling dead and buzzing with energy at the same time. The nausea becoming worse. Heck, even the teleporter and the creeper coaster were easy to handle than cars! Fizzy closed the car door and leaned against it.

"Aww! Is the special lil' Snowflake getting car sickness."

Fizzy felt the years of bitterness that has been buried deep, crawl out without effort. Fizzy just keep quiet and closed his eyes.

"Nick, come on be nice to your sister, she clearly not feeling well." Victoria said. Fizzy opened his eyes slightly, "Alright sweetheart, I can guide you to the bathroom."

And there it is the misgendering and then it'll be the deadnaming. Fizzy can feel the dysphoria starting to hit him. Victoria did a sweeping motion as she started to walk to the house. Fizzy boosted himself off the car. When Nicolas unlocked the door, Fizzy followed Victoria up the stairs. The two stopped in front of the bathroom. Fizzy considered coming out to her right then and there but decided to wait when there wasn't such a high chance of him throwing up on her high dollar shoes.

"Alright, if you throw up, there are mints down in the kitchen !"

Fizzy nodded and headed into the bathroom.

Fizzy stepped out of the bathroom and headed down into the kitchen . The kitchen was double the size of Stampy's . White and black tiled floors with yellow walls; lots of counter space as well. Fizzy glanced around, noting the high chair and sippy cups. Fizzy frowned, there was no way Nicolas has a baby. Fizzy spotted what he was looking for. A jar full of peppermints, at-least he hoped it was mints. Fizzy opened the jar and taking one out; accepting the risk, he popped the mint into his mouth.

After a few moments, Fizzy safely assumed that the mints were in fact mints and not his brother's drugs. Fizzy walked to the front door, to where his luggage was sitting. Fizzy was about to grab his bags when some grabbed his shoulder.

"Little Snowflake." Fizzy tensed up when the hand rubbed his shoulder. "I lied about Mum and Dad needing us instantly, we actually don't have to leave till six. I just didn't want that bitchy ex of Jameson's opening her mouth or taking you to that damn witchcraft shop."

"You do know that Veeva has a name, right? And does Jamie know that I'm here?" Despite the friendship between to two had died the moment she joined Target's side, Fizzy couldn't help but defend Veeva.

Nicolas let out a dark chuckle, "He still thinks you're still on the train. Now why don't we show you the guest bedroom."

"Where's Victoria?"

Nicolas spun Fizzy around and grabbed him by his scarf. Nicolas started walked, "She's taking care of her daughter, Kinsley – don't give me that look, that tiny bastard isn't mine! Anyways, we're here."

Nicolas opened the door and shoved Fizzy in. Nicolas calmly stepped in to the room, shutting and locking the door behind him.

Fizzy stepped back, watching Nicolas's every move, "Wh... What are you doing Nicolas? "

Nicolas sauntered to the Chester drawers. He smiled crookedly as he pulled out an object, "You seem a little tensed Snowflake, why don't I change that."

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