Part 1 - Chapter 1

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     Center of the village of Dedaeh  3 and a half hours after the completion of the invasion...
"The biggest concern of ours is just how quickly information of this village invasion will reach King Lechione." Duke Wicke began to the soldiers that he had summoned to what had once been the center of the village.

        "I don't see how this is our so called 'big concern'. Shouldn't we be more concerned about the resources of this area? I mean, if we're going to be sitting on our asses in enemy territory until we get a move on again, shouldn't it at least be a nice bit of enemy territory, eh?" A young soldier piped up from somewhere at the Duke's far left, interrupting the Duke's speech and causing some grumbles of agreement at the point she had made - though most were of disapproval at the fact that she openly disrespected one of their officers.

        The Duke sighed, it was clear that the woman was new to the army and that she didn't know better at the moment. She would hopefully soon. "Well, I could see that being a valid concern, but think about it. If word of our invasion reaches the King of this godforsaken place to soon, we'd be massacred by the militias from this province's capital. You must remember that we only brought enough forces to overcome one little village with an aging populace." The Duke responded to the soldier with a barely hidden huff.

        The woman replied, "I see what you mean, but I still disagree. Despite that, I can promise you that when I'm going out to the bars in the neighboring villages, I won't mention I'm affiliated with the army of their sworn enemy."
         "That is all I ask. Also, do take care and please refrain from ransacking the houses that haven't been burned down for goodness sake! We've already caused enough damage as is!" The Duke ordered with exasperation tainting his voice.

            It was after the Duke witnessed the troops standing at attention for another five minutes that he had realized he had forgotten something.

             "I apologize! You are all dismissed." The Duke squeaked.

Next week you all are going to be introduced to our other protagonist: Prince Maximilian III of Zendaro!

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