Part 1 - Chapter 2

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Varis, capital of Zendaro and inside the palace - 3 days after Silvane's invasion...

      While Duke Wicke was fervently trying to remember what exactly he had forgotten ( it felt like all those times he would step into a room, only to forget why he even went in there in the first place ) Prince Maximilian III ( or Max for short if you wanted to be informal ) was just being woken up from a pleasant slumber by one of his manservants.

        "Oh Bradley," Maximilian bemoaned quite dramatically to his  manservant, "why must you wake me up at such an ungodly hour? You know I must sleep for 8 hours minimum, lest you want to deal with me being cranky."
         Bradley did not want to tell the Prince ( who happened to be heir to the throne, mind you ) that he was always cranky in the mornings, no matter how much sleep he might have gotten the night before. But of course, Bradley was not here to give the immature prince a tongue lashing - that would be for later - for there were more pressing matters at hand.

          "Sir, your father requests your presence in the throne room posthaste. So absolutely no dawdling!" Bradley informed Maximilian, adding in a little tidbit of instruction of his own. For Bradley feared that the Prince would never get out of his bed unless he was prodded to do so.

           "Oh gosh, I hope it doesn't have to do with my coronation! I don't feel like being berated by my father for acting so unkingly so close to the day that I will become King, even though my coronation date is a year away. What a ridiculous man.", came  Maximillian's distant reply from his bathroom. Shockingly enough, Maximilian had sprung out of bed as soon as he heard that his father wanted to see him.

            "No matter what happens Sir, I trust that you will come out alright in the end. I bid you good day." Bradley reassured Maximilian is he left the Prince's chambers
              As Maximilian stepped out of his chambers and into the corridors of the castle that he called home, he hoped to God that whatever reason his father had urgently summoned him, it wasn't that bad. Though Maximilian couldn't shake the sinking feeling that it was, in fact, that bad.

Woohoo! Back on some kind of very rough schedule! I am so very sorry that I have not updated since July. I have had writer's block and I've been traveling. My schooling has also started up again, so that's something. I hope that you have enjoyed this story thus far! I'm curious about how you lovely people feel about this story, so please don't be afraid to vote and comment your thoughts! I promise that I will have another chapter up by the end of this week.

Have a great rest of the week!


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