Chapter 5 ~ Sunsets

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Drift awakens, his head laying on Raptor's ripped chest, which was breathing rhythmically, making Drift wanna stay there all day. Drift slowly gets up, trying not to awaken his sleeping boyfriend (or so he thought Raptor was sleeping), but Raptor was already awake, and looked down at Drift. "Hey babe." Raptor smiles, still hungover. Drift groans. "It feels like my head is about to explode. Oh god! What did we do last night??" Raptor raises a brow. "Want me to explain?" Raptor teases l, running a finger over Drift's cheek. Drift chuckles. "I already know, but I just wanna know what we were thinking!" Drift says, attempting to stand up. The room was bright, the curtains only half shut, and their clothes were scattered everywhere, as a ripped condom wrapper was sitting next to the bed. A sudden feeling nausea surges through Drift, as he rushes to the bathroom and pukes in the toilet. "Aw damn." Raptor grunts, trying to sit up. His tan skin was covered in hickeys and bites from last night, which felt amazing. Raptor stumbles forward, grabbing onto the wall for support. "God damn." Raptor, once again grunts, clenching his teeth. His lower body felt like it was torn, and his insides felt like they were destroyed, but it was worth it. Raptor cleans up, stumbling over clothes and bottles, which seemed to keep appearing on the ground. Once Raptor finishes, he knocks on the bathroom door, which was locked shut. "You okay in there?" Raptor asks, twisting the knob. "Y-y-yes.." Drift slurs, flushing the toilet, and the door opening a few seconds later. Drift looked like a mess, his hair was half spiked, half down, and he had drool coming out of his mouth, with bruises decorated all over his body, especially on his chest. At least he didn't have circles under his eyes, proving that Raptor's chest was the most comfortable pillow. Raptor frowns. "Aw babe. I'm sorry if I hurt you." Raptor apologizes, knowing that he's secretly not sorry. Drift gives a half smile. "I know you're not sorry. If anything, I'm NOT sorry for slamming your ass last night." Drift chuckles, stumbling backward. Raptor rushes in and catches Drift. "Woah there, calm down babe." Raptor says, pecking his cheek. Drift pulls Raptor into a tight hug, and Drift squeezes his eyes shut. "I wouldn't know what I would do without you, Raptor. Seriously, ever since I met you, you always made me feel special, and I LOVE you for that, okay?" Drift says, putting his forehead against Raptor's nose. Raptor looks down, seeing Drift emotional isn't common, but it does happen sometimes. Raptor hugs back tighter, moving slightly, kissing Drift's forehead. They hug for about a minute, hand in hand, body against body, moving slightly. Drift then realizes that he's completely naked, with his body aching, along with the puke flavor still lingering in his mouth. Drift pulls away. "I gotta shower, it feels like my body is about to rot, and the puke flavor is still in my mouth, so you may not wanna kiss me on the lips." Drift says, scratching the back of his head worriedly. Raptor smirks. "I love you too much." Raptor says, blushing, which causes Drift to blush, since they're both naked. Drift turns around and turns on the hot water, getting a towel. Raptor stays there, still admiring Drift. Drift turns around, looking at Raptor. "I'm guessing you don't wanna join?" Drift asks, about to walk into the shower. Raptor shakes his head. "Nah, too sore." Raptor declines, massaging his lower back and thighs. Drift closes the glass shower door. "I'm literally cleaning myself dumbass." Drift teases, making Raptor roll his eyes. "Whatever." Raptor groans, and leaves the bathroom. Drift sighs, and washes himself, feeling the hot water drip down his back, relaxing him as he massages his shoulders. Drift closes his eyes, thinking about last night. Raptor's abs, thrusting into Raptor (Gosh I hate/love writing smuts). Drift gets a boner thinking about it, but quickly changes the thought to something else, like his squad and Raptor's agency, which seemed odd to him. It almost felt like-
The bathroom door opens and closes, which Drift assumes it's Raptor doing his hair or brushing his teeth. Silence. Then, the glass door swings opens, and Raptor barges in, making Drift move backward. "I changed my mind, I think I need a shower too." Raptor says, letting his hair soak under the steaming hot water. Drift rolled his eyes, and opened his mouth, allowing the water to fill his mouth, and spitting it out, getting all the left over puke flavor out. Drift does it a few more times, until it was completely gone, or until he opened it once again, only to be kissed by Raptor, shoving his tongue into my mouth full of water. I gag in shock, an dI spit out all the water into his face, gasping for air. "Jesus, I was literally joking." Raptor groans, wiping away Drift's spit. Drift outs shampoo in his hair and smirks at Raptor. "Sucks to suck." Drift smiles, and gets back to washing his body.
After Drift and Raptor's shower, they get dressed, and walk outside, heading towards Paradise Palms, once of the instagram-worthy places on Fortnite Island. They walk around the city, hand in hand, going in and out through stores, buying clothing, items, and exclusive guns, which were hard to find anywhere else. The sunlight shined on them, its warmth then start to sweat. "Wanna go eat and then meet up at the beach?" Drift asks, looking down at his phone to text his squad. "Yeah sure." Raptor agrees. They stop at some food place that they only seen in popular photos, which Raptor ordered a burger, while Drift ordered a hot dog. After they finish their meals, they make their way to the beach. "Drift!" Brite yells, waving for them to come to her. Drift and Raptor perk up, trying to find Brite, who was at this point jumping up and down to their left. Drift finally spots Brite and the rest of the gang, with Dusk looking pissed off more than usual. Brite is wearing a very similar outfit to yesterday's, except that instead of a rainbow top, it's yellow with white stripes, along with ripped denim shorts and her hair down and wavy. John is wearing a blue ombré bathing suit, with a few stars decorated around, and a blue t-shirt, with a green logo on it. Sanctum is wearing a white sleeveless, with a purple bathing suit. Dusk is wearing yellow crocs, with her hair down and wearing a red romper. Valor is wearing white flip-flops, with a similar crop-top to Brite's, and denim shorts. "Hey guys!" Raptor greets them, with Drift following behind. The whole squad sit down, setting up a spot close to the water so the breeze can cool them off under the blazing sun. Brite finally sets down the blanket, trying to avoid sand getting onto it, which Valor instantly ruins by kicking a mound of sand onto it. "VALOR!" Brite shouts, frustrated. Valor laughs, joined by John and Sanctum, with Dusk still having a bitch-face. Brite groans, and re-shakes the blanket. They all sit down, placing their belongings close to them. "So what's up?" Sanctum starts, looking around. "Well, we were shopping all day, and the city was beautiful." Drift exclaimed, drawing the group into interest. "Yeah, it was a pretty good experience. I definitely think we should come down more, without, you know, staying at a 5-star hotel all the time." Raptor says, with John agreeing. "Yeah, I heard it's really pretty on the 4th of July, and on Christmas, like the whole town gets together. Although, it's better in the summer, since this beach has huge waves for people to surf on and to swim in." John explains, with Dusk chiming in. "Well, either way it's still the same, except it being much shittier in the winter." Dusk snarls, looking at the waves crash. Raptor smirks. "Aw, is something wrong Dusk?" Raptor teases, making the whole group laugh. Dusk turns and flares at Raptor, her eyes staring into his soul. "She's mad that we didn't get milkshakes." Valor says, still laughing. "No, it's because you guys won't stop making fun of me for no damn reason, which is the reason I wanna be alone!" Dusk snaps, standing up and dropping all her stuff,
and heads to the water. The group stares at her, and  stops laughing. "Ugh, what's her problem?" John asks, confused and irritated by her. Sanctum sighs. "She got stood up on a date last night apparently. She wanted to come to Paradise to meet this guy, but she lied to us and said she wanted to go to the beach. When she snuck out after the pool, the guy never showed up, and she told us what happened, breaking down." Sanctum says, looking at his sister, who is back floating in the water. "Ugh, that sucks. Whoever that guy is a probably a douche!" Drift says,  feeling sorry for Dusk. Dusk and Sanctum has a sad life, with their mother dying from murder, and their father going missing. However, Sanctums and Dusk made the most out of their childhood, as they always played outside and were very social, even after what happened. John gets up and swims out to Dusk to calm her down, which she does. The group sits there for a few hours, talking about tech, gaming, drama, TV shows, movies, and products. "Ugh, I'm dying of this heat! Who wants to join me in the water?" Valor asks, getting up. "I will!" the group all day at once, dropping their items and running into the cool
ocean waves which slam into Drift. Raptor helps Drift get into the water, since he's afraid of huge waves. "Aw! Baby Drift is scared of waves!" Brite teases, causing the group to laugh. Drift blushes in embarrassment, which Raptor and the others notice quickly. "I almost drowned by a wave years ago, so I'm still scared." Drift justifies, making the group calm down. In the hour the spent in the water, they all had the best time. Sanctum taught Drift how to body-surf waves, which Drift immediately fell in love with. Raptor, John, and Valor all let the waves trample them, letting out a enormous laugh after each crash. Dusk body surfs with Drift and Sanctum, beating both of them in a race many times. A little more than an hour later, at sunset, the squad began packing up. "We're going ghost hunting tonight, wanna join?" Dusk offers, looking at Drift and Raptor. "I think we may pass." Drift decides, leaving Raptor surprised. "Babies, you guys WILL join us next time!" Brite shouts as she walks away. Drift chuckles. "We promise no promises!" Drift shouts back. Brite flips them off jokingly, and the whole squad waves goodbye and drive away. Drift and Raptor have a blanket to themselves, and watch as other couples set up their blankets to watch the sunset, reflecting off the clear blue water. Drift leans on Raptor's shoulder, and holds his hand. Raptor smiles at Drift and leans in for a kiss. They interlock lips, and separate after a few seconds. They watch the sunset sink below the horizon, hand-in-hand. The sunlight glistens off the water, and it shines into Raptor's piercing eyes, along with Drift's honey-colored eyes. Drift closes his eyes. "Raptor?" Drift asks softly. "Hm?" Raptor responds, looking down at Drift. Drift looks at Raptor for a few seconds before responding, gazing at his eyes, and his hair that glows in the sunlight. "I want to spend my life with you, okay? I love you very much, even though we may disagree over stupid things. But in the end, we have each other, and our friends, right?" Drift says, giving a weak smile. Raptor looks down at Drift's innocent eyes, stuck in a gaze. Drift's eyes sparkles, making Raptor feel warm inside, as Drift's golden hair sways in the breeze.
"You're my everything, Drift." Raptor responds, pulling Drift closer.
The pair sit there, gazing at the sunset that shines before them, and before you know it, Drift drifts off on Raptor's shoulder.

How was this chapter? Was it good? This chapter was kinda rushed, but I enjoyed making it! Leave me suggestions below, and as always, I love you guys, and stay tuned for the next chapter! ❤️❤️ ;)

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