Chapter 18 ~ Rich sex

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Raptor groans, as he keeps messing up twisting the bolt into the hatch. Raptor's working on his plane, trying to get most of it finished before nightfall. He's a skilled pilot and mechanic. "Damn, you gonna build me a private jet or what?" A familiar voice jokes. Raptor stops tinkering and turns to see Brite Bomber, standing with Teknique and Abstrakt. "Well, not exactly a jet, but it looks good aye?" Raptor chuckles, standing up and taking off his oil-covered gloves. "Looks great! Can it run, yet?" Abstrakt asks. "Pretty close! Just gotta attach a few more pieces and test it, then it should be good." "Awesome! Let's fly it!" Teknique squeals. "It's gonna be ME flying it, just to be clear, hehe." Raptor assures. "Mhm. Where's Dusk?" Brite asks. And Almost on cue, Dusk plaraglides right into Brite, knocking them both onto the ground. "INCOMIN-oop!" Dusk shouts, tumbling on top of Brite, which causes her to face-plant into the dirt. "AH! Bitch what the f-" Brite barks, Teknique helping her up. "I'm sorry but that's too...HAHAHAHAHA OKAY THAT WAS FUNNY!" Teknique howls obnoxiously, causing Abstrakt and Raptor to join in on the laughter. The sun was setting fast, so Raptor paid less attention to the group's conversation and on his plane. "Duskskskskskk!" Brite teased Dusk, trying to sound like a VSCO girl. Dusk bit her lip, unpleased, as the group chortled. "Oh my gawd! Don't get Dusk mad or else she'll hit us with her HydroFlaskSKSKSKSK!" Abstrakt joined in. "Awww what's wrong Dusky? Somebody take your scrunchie?" Tek poked. Out of desperation, Dusk tried to distract the group. "Hey, anyone see Sanctum and Guild? They walked out a few hours ago and I don't know where they went..."

The group turned heads. "They went on a date to Lazy Lagoon while we were at the house, so they're probably still with each other," Abstrakt says. "They're probably sucking each other's dicks." The group says 'OOOOOOH' simultaneously. "That fast? Now that I think of it, I wonder who's top or bottom..." Brite wonders. "Definitely Guild, he's such a man." Tek gives. "To be honest they're both tops, but maybe Sanctum wants Guild to 'pound' him." Brite jokes. "Mhm. Guild wants to drink all of SanctCUM!" Teknique says, causing the whole group to gawk. "Okay, you just killed the whole vibe Tek." Abstrakt says, giving her a dirty look. "For reals." Brite joins in. "She did NOT pass the vibe check!" Dusk shakes her head forcefully. "Guys...guys... GUYS! Can we not talk about my brother losing his virginity?" Dusk begs, causing the group to giggle but stop. A loud thump can be heard from the garage, and sure enough, Raptor slides out from under the plane. "It's ready for testing!"

I awake in some brick white room, a humid and foul filling my nostrils. I feel groggy, laying back against hard stone floor, as the walls seem to be covered in some red residue. I open my eyes a little more, and twist my head to my side to see.....John? Where the hell are we?! What happened!? "What the hell..." I whisper to myself, but my voice sounds...different. It feels like I'm a...zombie! I look over again to get a better look at John, and gasp.

His skin was dark, with glowing purple cracks along his arms, chest, and face. He has glowing white eyes, with no pupils seen, and his hair is blacked out. "JOHN!" I scream in terror, attempting to kneel up. I feel every bone crack as I stretch out, which causes me to twitch a little. "How long were we asleep for...." I whisper to myself, my fear rising as where I was wasnt good, and whoever captured us definitely did something as we were knocked out. I put my wrists on John's chest, feeling for a heartbeat, which I was thankfully greeted to a normal one. Despite him looking...weird and zombified, I felt kind of a connection towards him...
As I check John, I catch. glance of my own wrists, and see that they're dark too! I quickly pull them away and examine them, the glowing purple cracks have a tingling feeling as you run your fingers over them. I feel a pit in my stomach. None of this is right. What have we done? Where are we? I quickly shake John up. "Valor?!" John gasps, petrified by my new dark appearance. "John, yes, I know. We have to get out of here quickly." I say, grabbing his hand and running towards a staircase in the back of the dark room.

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