1. New Town, New Day

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Nora pulled her truck into a space behind her new shop. She had moved to the quaint little town of Charming, California about a month ago after finishing college.

Born and raised in Oklahoma, Charimng was quite a difference from her hometown. Her hometown was the type of city where you knew your neighbors, but just barely. Most people tended to keep to themselves. Of course, there was the few folks that liked to get to know you, but only for the gossip.

Charming, on the other hand, was the type of small town where everyone knew everyone and was just a overall friendly place.

That was the exact reason why Nora chose the town to start up her new business: New Day Pixelation, a graphic design company.

Graphic design had Nora's passion since her sophomore year of highschool, when she first started in the world of Photoshop and InDesign.

Right after graduating high school Nora started at the local tech school in the graphic design program. Two years later she finished with an associates degree in the subject. She had spent 13 long months saving money and looking for the perfect place before finally finding Charming.

So Nora packed up her belongings and hightailed it to California. She put down the money for the lease and got it within a few hours. None of the locals had wanted to lease the old handymans store after one of the pipes burst back in '93, and no one had brought new businesses to town in years. She even got it for half of what the realtors was asking. So with money left over, Nora set out on the repairs. During that time she had found a lovely two bedroom two bathroom house to rent.

That was a month ago. With the renovations completed and the furniture added, the store was set to open today.

Grabbing her purse from the floor of her truck, Nora got out and entered her new store after unlocking the back entry.

You wouldn't believe that a month ago this place had smelled of mildew and had mold on the floor and walls. The renovaters had done their job tremendously and no traces were left behind. Now the store smelled of the Apple cinnamon fragrance she had in the Airwick.

She sat at her desk in her glass walled office that took up the majority of the space. In the front of the space was a small reception like area that held 10 comfortable chairs for clients with a table in the middle with things to read, a drink station, a receptionist desk that held the log book, and a small children's area with a few toys and coloring books and crayons for the clients who brung their children.

The space wasn't too big, wasn't too small, but a nice medium that was cosy but not cramped.


It was now 7 p.m, closing time.

It had been a good first day. Five clients came in looking for Nora to design things for them. Two from here in town, and three from Lodi. All of them the easy task of making new logos for their companies. By the time Nora was done for the day she had came up with rough sketches for two of the five clients.

After locking up, she climbs into her truck and heads to the local diner, Hannah's, for dinner. She deserves to eat out since she had successfully completed her first day.

Once there she sits in a booth in the front with a view of Main street. She orders her food and grabs her newest book from her purse to read while waiting. She could be playing with her new smartphone, but she hasn't had the chance to download anything fun on there yet. Besides, reading was just as entertaining as electronics was.

She was finishing the first chapter when a loud rumbling caught her ear. At first she ignored it, figuring whoever it was were probably just passing by on their way somewhere else. But the rumbling was getting louder by the second until it was right next to her. Looking up from her book, she stared outside at the row of motorcycles that were being parked right outside of where Nora was sitting.

There were six men in total. An older man with grey hair, a blonde guy in his late twenties, a lanky looking guy who couldn't have more than more than five years older than herself, a guy with salt and pepper colored hair with cuts on his cheeks, a guy with curly black hair about the same age as the salt and pepper haired guy, and a last guy was tall and bald and gave off an aura of 'don't fuck with me" that Nora could sense just by looking at him.

The six, well five because Tall and Brooding didn't look to be a in a joking mood, were laughing at something another had said and were slowly making their way towards the door.

A clatter beside her made Nora drag her eyes away from the window and to the waitress who had sat down her dinner. "Double steakburger dinner with fries and a salad. Anything else I can get you ma'am?" She asked Nora as the six walked past to a booth that just around the bend from hers.

After clearing her throat she asked for a refill on her soda. After a moment the waitress brought her cup back and Nora began to eat.

Halfway through her meal, Nora got the prickly feeling you felt when someone is watching you on the side of her face. Looking up, she scanned the floor until her gaze locked onto the culprit. It was one of the men who rode the bikes. The one with no hair who gave off the impression not to be messed with.

Nora's green eyes locked with his brown ones for what felt like forever, but in actually was probably only a few seconds, before a clammer across the room gave her a startle and she looked that way to make sure no one had been hurt. Seeing that no one was, she looked back to the man. She was slightly disappointed when she found he was not looking at her now, but towards one of his buddies to his side.

She finished the rest of her meal in her own thoughts. Thinking of new ideas for one of her clients who wanted as many options as was is Nora's power. And not once in that time did she think of the man with the chocolate eyes who was sitting twenty feet away, casually peeking at her.

》☆《 ¤ 》☆《
Hi guys! I'm not usually into A/N but felt one was needed for the first chapter.
This will be on average how long each chapter will be. I know it's kind of short, but it'll be easier for me to upload more chapters more frequently (because on average it's 2-4 months each update. Crappy, I know but I'm trying to get better)
Also if you see any grammatical errors, please tell me so I can fix them. But please be decent about it.

What did you think? Feedback is critical!

Bonjour Bitches
Xoxo - Onyx

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