Chapter 2

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Mikaela's POV

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Mikaela's POV

*Smut warning*

I checked my reflection in the mirror one last time.

Skinny black Capri pants, midriff bearing white spaghetti strap top, flat white sandals. I had made sure I had on my sexiest matching bra and thong.

I wanted to look sexy, but not slutty.

I even bought condoms, just in case.

I was nervous. I had never propositioned a guy before. I did not sleep around. I had two lovers in my life.

I did not have a lot of experience with any of this.

What if that was a turn off? I quickly pushed that thought out of my head. I was already nervous enough.

What the hell was going on with me? I had never been more physically attracted to a guy before than I was with Ryan.

Ugh! Holly was right, I need to just get it out of my system.

I placed Libby, my Pomeranian puppy, into her kennel, checked to make sure she had enough food and water and headed up to the bar, which was conveniently located on the rooftop of the hotel I was staying in.

I walked up to the bar, gave them my credit card and told them to open a tab, then ordered a shot of whiskey. I needed some liquid courage.

I scanned the room, I did not see Ryan, but I saw Holly standing at the end of the bar talking to a few of the production crew members.

I walked over to them and said "I just opened a tab. Order whatever you like."

Holly pulled me off to the side. "Damn girl! You look hot. Are you gonna make a move on Ryan?"

"If he shows up." I sighed.

"You got this girl. You can do this....Oh, don't turn around. Guess who just walked through the door?"

Of course, I turned around. He was dressed in jeans and a vintage T-shirt. He had his hands in his pockets looking around. Damn he looked good.

Holly whispered in my ear "Go for it. That boy looks like he can use a good fuck."

I bit back a laugh. Holly was always so straightforward and I loved that about her. I just wish I had her confidence. I took a deep breath and choked down my nervousness, hoping Holly was right and I didn't end up making a complete ass out of myself.

Here goes nothing.

I walked over to him and smiled. He smiled back. Mustering up every ounce of courage I could, I put my arms around his neck and hugged him "I'm glad you made it" I said before pulling him into a kiss.

He seemed a little shocked by my bold gesture, but he did kiss me back for a few moments. We broke off the kiss and I smiled at him. "Tabs open. Order whatever you like." I motioned to the bar.

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