Chapter 35

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Mikaela's POV

Cody and Brittany returned shortly after Ryan and I talked, and now I just felt happy they were here. I had a feeling this was going to be a pretty good Christmas after all.

Despite everything that had happened, I was determined to make it a good one.

I had my best friends and I had the man I loved.

They both smiled when they walked in and saw me with my head in Ryan's lap, our hands laced together.

"Britt, I'm so sorry I haven't even said hello to you." I got up and hugged her. "I'm really glad y'all are here." I included Cody in my hug, then Ryan joined in for a group hug.

"It's gonna be a great Christmas. I"m ready to decorate, so we really need a tree." I said.

"Are you feeling up to it sweetheart?" Ryan asked me.

Actually, I was. I'm almost three weeks post op, and I actually feel fine physically. I'm still a little sore, but I'm not bleeding and I feel energized. I guess most of my recovery involved my mental state, but that now appears to be doing well.

"I feel good. Christmas is just over a week away and I want a big, beautiful tree with a ton of lights and ornaments and sparkle." I said excitedly.

Later that evening

Later that evening

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"It's perfect." I exclaimed, looking at the nearly ten foot tall, beautifully decorated tree standing proudly in the corner where the lights bounced off of the windows, adding even more sparkle. It was quite possibly the most beautiful tree I had ever seen.

"It's almost perfect." Ryan said, then pulled an ornament from his pocket and handed it to me. "But I think this will really make it perfect."

I looked at the ornament. It was a beautiful glass ornament etched with a Christmas tree and the words "Our first Christmas together."

I placed it in the tree front and center where the light hit it perfectly creating a beautiful prism of colors. "Now it's perfect." I smiled at him.

"We're also standing under the mistletoe." Ryan grinned, pointing to the ceiling beam where a sprig of mistletoe was hanging.

"Kiss me like you need it Blaney." I grinned back at him, thinking back to the words I used that day way back when we shot the video.


Ryan's POV

We spent an enjoyable evening hanging out at the house with Cody and Brittany.

We talked and shared a lot of laughs. They had become very good friends to me. I'm glad they were able to spend the holiday with us.

It had gotten pretty late, and we were all ready to turn in for the night.

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