Chapter 59

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Counting to herself in her head, she pushed her shoulder into the table leg as she gripped the leg with her hands, attempting to lift the table. She let out a breath of relief when the table began to lift slowly. She tried to lift it higher but the weight got too heavy for her so she put the table back down, catching her breath. She stared at the chain that wrapped around the table leg and connected to her cuffs. Grace had been attempting to lift the table ever since she woke up, she was starving. She was sick of letting Micah win so she was going to get out of here. She got back to her feet, bending down to get into the same position before lifting the leg again. This time she managed to lift it higher. She grinned to herself, proud before attempting to slide her hands down the leg without dropping the weight, she needed to move the chain. As she got close, she heard heavy hooves approaching and fast. Grace immediately dropped the table back down and sat against the wall, trying to steady her breathing so it seemed she had been sitting there the entire time. Within a few seconds the door flew open, slamming hard against the wall as Micah stomped in, his face bruised and burning with fury. Grace's mouth went to open to ask him what his problem was when she was met by his fist connecting to the side of her face. Grace spluttered before spitting blood out and Micah grabbed her hair, pulling her back up before punching her again. 

"You thought I wouldn't find out?" Micah questioned as he grabbed her chin roughly. Before she could even say another word he punched her again, this time she fell down onto her side, coughing up more blood from his hits. "Morgan told me he knows along with others he won't name!" Micah hissed in anger before ripping her off of the ground and punching her again. Grace fell over again, the punch making her head spin and the corners of her vision black as they threatened to black out. 

"Micah, go easy!" Cleet called out as him and Joe rushed inside. They must've been waiting outside for him and heard the racket he was making. Micah turned around away from Grace and to Cleet and Joe.  While he fixed his attention of the boys, Grace tried to stay still as she attempted to recover.

"Go easy on her? GO EASY ON HER?" Micah questioned Cleet, taking a step closer to him as he repeated him. "The bitch knows everything! And not only does she know, Arthur knows and so do others! It won't be long until Dutch finds out, you idiot!" Micah shouted loudly. Micah released a sigh as he finished shouting as Cleet remained quiet, turning to Joe and pointing towards the front door. "Go keep an eye out, Arthur may have followed," Micah instructed which Joe answered with a simple nod, leaving the room. Grace winced in pain as she attempted to sit up slowly, feeling some what relieved with herself when she managed to fight the pain and sit up. "It won't be just me Dutch kills, you know? It'll be you and Joe too!" Micah hissed at Cleet.

"I know, I know. It's just... she's a girl," Cleet tried to explain before Micah grabbed his collar and shoved him into the wall. 

"A girl who knows everything! She is dangerous, don't forget what she has done to you," Micah spat at him, reminding him about Grace almost choking him to death. Cleet quickly nodded and Micah released him, brushing out the mans shirt for him. "Glad we came to an agreement," Micah cheered before turning back to Grace, kneeling down in front of her. "You're going to tell me who else knows right now," Micah warned, his voice harsh but contained as he tried to hold back his rage that had built up inside of him. 

"I...I..." Grace began. He moved his face closer to her, about to repeat herself before she spat blood into his face, grinning wildly as he jumped back in surprise and wiped his face with the back of his hand. A low growl escaped from his lips as he flicked the blood off of his hand before pointing at her as she laughed. 

"Last warning!" Micah threatened, grabbing his revolver from his hip. He pointed the weapon right in front of her face as he crept forward again. Grace stared right down the barrel, she knew he wouldn't kill her. He needed her to give him the answers. If he killed her, he would most likely never find out and if he did, it would be too late. "Tell me!" He demanded with a shout.

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