Chapter 23

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Weeks had passed and the gang continued with finding their ways of earning money, whether it was well-earned or stolen. Grace happily picked up a bowl of stew that Pearson had prepared especially for Arthur. Grace grinned at him, thanking him as Pearson waved a hand at her. Grace happily stride towards Arthur's tent.

"Hope ya hungry," Grace started as she looked up at Arthur's cot to find him gone. Grace frowned in confusion, almost dropping the bowl of stew. "Arthur?" Grace questioned as she looked around, spinning on the spot to scan the camp. Arthur had insisted to her many times that he was feeling well enough to walk around but she didn't think he actually meant it. 

"Are you looking for Herr Morgan?" Leopold asked, now standing with Grace. Grace almost jumped, not expecting to be accompanied by someone else. She looked at him, giving him a small nod. "I saw him leave with Mr. Trelawny, he looks pretty well so I wouldn't worry," Strauss informed while trying to reassure her that Arthur would be fine. Grace sighed, looking at the bowl in her hands. 

"I got Pearson to spare him a bowl to find he has run off," Grace scoffed, shaking her head. She chuckled slightly, looking back at Leopold. "Guess I shouldn't be surprised, it's Arthur."

Leopold gave a small smile, giving a quick nod before pushing his spectacles up on his nose a bit further. "Exactly. He shouldn't be too long unless Josiah has something up his sleeve," Leopold agreed. "Now, excuse me. I must get back to counting the camp funds, Dutch wants to know how much you have all made with one man down." Grace nodded at him as he scurried off back to his small table by the medicine wagon. The table was now holding the contribute box and ledger. Grace looked back at the stew before realising she could offer it to Jack, after all he needed it with growing and all. Grace walked away from Arthur's tent and walked across the camp towards Abigail and Jack's tent. The camp wasn't buzzing as much today with so many members gone out to get money or to hunt. Grace knew Charles had taken a few people to go hunting with him, he had given Grace the offer but she declined thinking she was going to be helping Arthur out today.

Grace was now at their tent, Jack petting Cain as Abigail stared at a book in her hands. Grace could see Abigail was trying to, or pretending, to read. Abigail looked up at Grace, giving her a welcoming grin. 

"Jack, we have a visitor," Abigail announced, looking over her shoulder into their small tent. He grin turned into a frown as she spotted Cain on Jack's makeshift bed. "How many times have I told you not to put the dog on the bed?" Abigail scolded as Jack jumped to his feet, completely ignoring his mother. Grace chuckled as Jack hopped happily towards Grace. 

"Aunty Grace!" Jack welcomed cheerfully. Grace grinned at him, crouching down as he joined her. Grace held the bowl out to him, the child staring at the bowl. 

"Thought you'd like this. After all, your mother says you're growing," Grace announced to him, her voice in a happy tone. Jack nodded, taking the bowl from her hands.

"Thank you," Jack thanked with a grin on his small face. Grace got back up onto her feet as she watched him go back to Cain, sitting down next to the dog. Grace smiled, remembering how Dutch was kind enough to let Jack keep Cain. Abigail sighed as she closed the book in her hands, looking up at Grace.

"That was very kind of you," Abigail thanked as she gave Grace a warm smile. Grace nodded before motioning to the book in Abigail's lap.

"Since when could you read?" Grace joked, causing Abigail to pout. She looked over at Jack.

"I'm trying to show him that reading can better him, he's so convinced he is going to grow up to be like... this," Abigail motioned around the camp. Grace sighed, looking at Jack as he continued to sip stew from the spoon. "I don't want this life for him, he is only a boy."

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