1. Bite me. (ZM x AK)

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Awsten bolted through the trees, knowing that whatever was chasing him was probably toying with him.

It didn't help that the woods weren't his friend either, long shadows twisting their way around him and pulling him deeper into their grasp. Holding him hostage until his body gave out and his body rotted, giving back to the earth who had given him life in the first place.

Well one way or another it would rot, he was fairly certain that whatever was chasing him wanted to kill him.

His legs burned, his chest heaved and he could taste bile in the back of his throat from running for god knew how long. The moon hung overhead and Awsten could see it no matter which way he twisted or turned, it was as though it was taunting him. Laughing at him. Daring him to come deeper into the woods he'd been foolish enough to run into.

Finally, Awsten's legs gave out and he collapsed to the forest floor, skinning his knees and hands as he tried to catch himself. Laying there a moment, trying to catch his breath before weakly crawling to a bush and collapsing into it. His heart hammering against its prison of a ribcage as though it wanted to break free and he swallowed thickly, panting as he looked through the leaves.

No one.

Relived, Awsten fell back on his side and he continued to pant, a large and rough hand grabbing his arm roughly and turning him on his back.

Awsten stared up at the being who found him, copper eyes glowing down at him, victory clearly written in them and the being grinned, baring sharp teeth. Curved and dangerous, perfect for digging into flesh and ripping it apart.

"Found you" It rasped and Awsten laughed weakly, the vampire leaning down to press his lips to Awstens.

"Your kink is getting out of control babe" Zack said and Awsten chuckled, flicking his boyfriends ear,

"Not my fault you're so fucking hot Merrick" Awsten said breathlessly, his heart beating rapidly and making Zack's pupils blow wide, Awsten smiled and rolled his head to the side, exposing his neck and Zack hummed, leaning down to mouth at it gently. Awsten feeling his fangs brush against his neck ever so slightly and he shuddered,

"Hurry up" He whined and Zack chuckled,

"Someone's impatient"

"Sue me" Awsten laughed and then gasped, his eyes growing wide and his fingers digging into the dirt as Zack dug his fangs into his neck without any warning, gulping down Awstens sweet blood.

Awsten moaned weakly as Zack pulled his fangs from Awstens neck, feeling the blood dribble down his neck and he whimpered as Zack ran his tongue across the bites, collecting the last bit of blood.

Finishing, Zack sat up only to be pulled down by his shirt to kiss Awsten, the green haired man kissing him deeply and he couldn't help but moan as he tasted his own blood on Zack's tongue. Sure it was disgusting but the knowledge that Zack could have killed him right then and there, could have drained him dry and left his body for some poor hiker to find really got his motor revving. The throbbing bite on his neck was a reminder of that.

"Come on" Zack said as he pulled away, "we should get home"

Awsten nodded, too blissed out from pain and pleasure to really soak in what Zack said and he got up, taking Awstens hand and pulling him up, Awsten taking his hand and the two walked off back home.

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