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Angelika's POV


"Mrs. Hayes. We are going to start with the Operation."
"Operation? I thought this was just a doctor's appointment..?"
"Ah, yes, but you need it."
"Im I sick?"
"No. But we need to take something out of you or you will be."
"Oh okay.."

That girl sitting on the operation table was definitely me. But How come I don't remember?
"Please lay down dear, this is important for us. You must listen to the doctor and staff here." My mother says from across the room.
I did as I was told like anyone would with their mother.
"Such a good little test tool. I'll just spill some tea as kids would say, while you're being put into anesthesia." My father pauses and slowly the doctors and nurses prepare around me, " My precious precious daughter. Your going to help alot of people one day. Its true, you'll be significant like you want to be for others, for our future. Even if it means you'll die. You have done something."
"I, Im going to die!?"
"Eventually. Your body isn't made for so many operations and tests. So you'll die helping the government you love. You'll help in the greatest plan to come into existence. Population control."
"Your going to kill your own daughter..than kill innocent people?!"
"Don't be absurd! Your a valiant sacrifice for the greater good! And we aren't killing the innocent, no your helping to kill criminals.."
"Low classes, of course. "
"WHAT? You said we were equal!?" I began to get up in a angry manner, but the nurses held me down.
"Tsk, tsk. You misunderstood. Equality  and freedom is for the people who deserve it. Low classes aren't apart of that vision for they would ruin it."
"You'd even kill children?.." I struggled helplessly as they begin to stick needles into me.
"Even the smallest of them. They will grow to be just alike all of them. We must do this favor and make a stand!"
He smiles at me before looking at the doctor, "Do what you will. Our country appreciates your service."
He looks to me agian before speaking.
"If you really are my daughter you'll survive a simple small operation..I guess this marks somewhere around the 20th time I've told you my truth, but whose counting!? Its no use, you don't even remember any of them anyway. And this one will be the same. Goodbye for now my dear."
My father and mother walk out of the room.
"Shh, experiment #008.. Rest."
"Experiment?..#008?.." my breath becomes staggered and I passed out.

"Im going to fast forward it." Hongjoong fast forwards to the middle of the video.

"Oh My God." I exclaim covering my mouth. As the video continues the me on the monitor begans to awaken in horror. For I was Cut open completely. My inner body exposed into the bright spotlight.

"Oh, shes a wake! We need more sleeping gas. Quickly!"

They rush around to grab a long tube.
I began to panick and the heart monitor rings out like crazy.
The nurses held me back down forcefully.
"What- Whats going on!?" I began to cry.
"Calm Down #008. Get the gas here now, we can not loose this one."
Forcefully they start sticking a tube into my mouth.
My head turns towards a glass wall and as quickly as I awoke from a dead sleep, I fell back into it.

Hongjoong pauses it.
"Thats about it with this one. Afterwords, They give you a blue injection and your alright agian. Like nothing happened.." he gives me a soft look.
"I believe you...Because there is no way that I had that dream just by conscience this morning."
"You had a dream about this?" Yunho asks.
"I always have dreams like this.. but this video. Its not a coincidence.. Thats me. Its real.."
"Theres quite a few videos here.." H clicks off the file to another one.
"No. I don't want to see anymore." I stood up from my chair tears blurring my vision.
"Angel.." I feel Hongjoong grab my arm and pull me into his embrace tightly. And without hesitation I hold onto him right back.

Knock! Knock!

"I'll get it." Yunho says walking off.

Hongjoong looks down at me holding my face into his hands.
"Your just a victim like everyone else here. You should join us. Because you care for true equality, true freedom just like me. Just alike all of us." He wipes the tears of my face with his thumbs.

"Hongjoong-" H looks up and away from my face.
"Mingi. What are you doing here so early?"
"My job let me off a bit earlier today. Why is that bitch and Yunho here?"
"I was showing her the video." Hongjoong lets go of me and I face Mingi who stands tall and proud in the middle of the room.
"Ah, so how does it feel to know your a low class killer?" I fall very silent. But I didn't kill anyone.. Right?

"Your too harsh." Yunho states.
"You haven't seen anything yet Yunho. If none of you will lay it down I fucking will.. Listen, your parents little unharmful operations on people and you, helped kill not only my parents but his too. You even took my little sister from me.. the only light I had left. She's gone because  of you. Even if you do join us or whatever don't count on me because I will gladly let your bitch ass bleed out on the floor." He trys not to tear up but fails.
"Mingi." Hongjoong says softly.
"You should just injection here with the LCV. So she knows what they went through.."  Mingi says crumbling apart at the seams. His tears fell on his cheeks but still he stood strong.
"Im not going to do that. She was just about to answer my question." H looks to me, " What do you say, do you want to be a member? To help us for the better?"
Everyone's eyes were on me waiting for my answer. Even the emotional wreck that was Mingi.
"Im guessing you'd kill me if I refuse?"
"Yes." Yunho says bluntly.
"Alright, I'd rather die doing something ridiculous than on a medical table in a lab somewhere." I say.
"Good answer." Hongjoong says smirking.
"You'll never be a friend of mine even if we do end up working together.." Mingi says before leaving the room.
"He'll warm up to you." Yunho says smiling.
"I'll introduce you to the rest of us very soon..You'll get along with them just fine. Also, Don't mind Mingi, he has been through a lot.." Hongjoong states.


"Hello?" Yunho picks up his phone, "Yes sir. Right away."
He hangs up.
"So?" H says.
"Mr. President wants his precious daughter back home immediately. He also says that he needs to speak with me."
"Hmm, interesting.." H says, "You two head over, I'll tell the others of our new member. One of them is going to hate me for it, but its ethier I kill her or she joins us. Hes not going to want the first option so he will oblige."
"One of them?"
"You'll find out, its not my place to tell you." Hongjoong says.
"Lets go Angel." Yunho demands. Hongjoong winks at me before I followed Yunho outside.

Yunho's POV

Slam! We walk out of the car shutting the doors to see Angel's father smiling waiting patiently for us.
"Angel dear, please head in side and help your mother with the groceries." She nods at her father and walks inside her house.
"Yunho, I appreciate your service for your country."
"Im only doing what is right. Your daughter is a very nice girl."
"Indeed she is. So brave and tough she is...But she is still very weak and unfortunately she gets weaker every day.."
"Is this so?"
He nods and takes a piece of paper out of his pocket.

Oh no. He found the notes Mingi sent her. The ones in her locker threatening her. I thought she threw them all away..

"I found these in her room earlier today. It seems she kept a secret from even you. This calls for action. Im sending another sharp and keen agent in to help me, to help Angel.. To help you. Don't worry, he won't interfere with you, but know on Monday he will be in the works around campus for, extra security.."
I nodded agreeing, but Inside I was pissed. Because this new agent isn't going to let her go anywhere. Everyone will be watched. Our plans just got even more difficult to carry out..
"You'll know him when you see him, he was a member of your special forces class. I know you care for here just as I do, so please think of this as a must for her safety."
"I will sir."
"Good. See you Monday."

Damn it. This makes things worse... He will catch me in lies if I am not careful. I have to report this to Hongjoong and quick.
I walked to my car waving bye, and I waited until I drove far away to dial his number.

"H, We have a problem.."

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