6. Trevor Lawrence (CLEMSON-request)

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okay so i know i suck so bad i havent updated in like a million years, im so sorry but im gonna try my best so bear with me, sorry for any mistakes

Christina! i hope you like this, any edits or anything you want with this imagine i can do. request more! i need ideas lol 

"Babe," you whispered and poked your boyfriend's face. He just groaned and pulled you closer. 


"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" he fluttered his eyes open and smiled at you slowly.

"It's the day buddy!" you said excitedly. Trevor had promised to take you to the lake, and you were not going to let him forget. You were too excited. He chuckled at you and rolled over. You tumbled over him, causing him to groan. Grabbing his arm, you pulled him out of the bed and into the closet. Trevor, still half asleep was quite startled when his bathing suit landed on his head.

"Put it on, grab your bag, and come on!" you yelled, running to go get your own swimsuit. After about fifteen minutes, Trevor was finally fully awake and ready to go. You, well you were more than ready to go. Y'all grabbed your bags and headed to the car. 

"Christina, what do you want to eat?" Trevor asked as he pulled out the driveway. 

"Ummmm, let's get Chickfila please!" you said smiling. Soon enough, you and Trevor were on the road jamming out, with breakfast in hand of course. 

Finally, at the lake you and Trevor got everything out, put on sunscreen, and dove in. About thirty minutes into swimming, Trevor challenged you to a diving contest to see who could swim the farthest. Of course you agreed. 

"Okay. One, two, three, go!" Trevor yelled and you both started running to the end of the dock. A couple steps from the end, you slipped and fell. Trevor, not realizing you'd fell, jumped straight in. 

"Christina! Hellooooo," he called, once he came up. 

"Uh, still up here," you responded, holding back tears. Your leg was sliced open on a nail sticking up. Trevor yelped and raced up the ladder to help you. After about five minutes, you leg was bandaged and good to go. 

"Are you okay babe?" Trevor asked, kissing your forehead. You laughed.

"Yes Trevor, I'm fine," a small smile crept onto your face. "I challenge you to a rematch!"

Sorry again for the wait Christina! Hope you enjoyed

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