Chapter 9

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Barriss knew what was coming. She knew Dooku would send his oversized, battle-droid minion to interrogate them eventually. Although General Grievous had no force power, he still had a force pattern that was unmistakable and Barriss could feel it drawing closer and closer to the Citadel. All Jedi, as part of their training, were instructed on how to withstand any form of torture. That may sound barbaric when put that way, but they were never actually tortured in the Jedi temple. Well, unless you counted the Trials, but those werent in the Temple itself either. The first time Barriss had actually been tortured was in a situation very similar to this one, by being electrocuted by battle droids. That time she had found it difficult to force away the panic that overwhelmed her brain, but over time it became easier. But that didnt stop the cold stone of dread that was forming in her stomach

This wasnt what she thought being a Jedi would be like. Growing up the padawans were all told that they would become peace keepers of the galaxy. Ever since the Clone War had begun that had all been turned on its head. Over and over she would wish she was not living during this period of horrific war, but instead the time when Jedi were simply just peace keepers. Mystical beings who righted the wrongs in the galaxy, not these ghastly fighting machines they had been converted into. Sometimes she thought they were no better than the battle droids they were fighting against. In war, there is no right or wrong side, only those who are forced to die in battle, and those who are benefiting from all the destruction. Of course she had been taught there had been countless wars involving Jedi before this one, but that only fuelled her anger. More than anything she just wanted to see a galaxy at peace, where everyone could feel safe.

Barriss had had these thoughts in her mind for some time now, it was hard to pinpoint exactly when in her life that they had begun, but her anger at those who begun these wars was most definitely enlarged by the outbreak of the Clone War. Now, Barriss knew she was getting into dangerous territory by allowing herself to feel such a strong emotion like anger. This what she had been warned against many times over the course of her life: fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. But she preferred to think of the benefits, like that she channelled her feelings into her combat style. And it wasnt like she feared war in that sense anyway, she just despised the injustice of it.

It seemed paradoxical to be angry at conflict, when anger was what caused conflicts, but Barriss didnt think so. The only thing that was important is that this war was stopped. They were all harbingers of destruction and it didnt matter what side they were on. She was sure that somewhere, up the top, there were people making billions of credits because of all the suffering. The droid factories, mining corporations, the trade federation, even Kamino, with its cloning factories. It only added salt to the wound that Ahsoka had told them the rescue mission had been delayed, because Anakin and Obi-Wan were protecting senators acquiring more funds for the Clone Army. Barriss agreed it was a selfish thought to prioritise herself over others, but then so was the Republic for putting money ahead of peoples lives. No, they were definitely the selfish ones, after all it was Barriss who risked her life every day for their stupid war. As for the Jedi, they were going along with it! What Barriss just could not wrap her head around was how it became this way. This stupid pointless war. Theyre all stupid, every last one of them, and one day they shall realise.


Droids couldnt feel emotions, that was precisely the point of them. But if they could, this T-series tactical droid would probably be trembling with fear, because towering over it was General Grievous, demanding why they hadnt managed to get results out of their captured Jedi.

Grievous had arrived at the Citadel less than an hour ago, and had made a beeline from the landing platform to the central control room. This level of incompetence would not be tolerated a minute longer in the Separatist army.

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