Volume 2: Truth and Lies

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Volume 2

Truth and Lies

Everybody thinksof changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves -Leo Tolstoy


In a situation like this, only one thing goes through your head. One thing only goes in your mind when you are trap doing something you were not suppose to do. Just one phrase implants in your thoughts when you know that you did something wrong and you get caught.

"It's not what it looks like!" I screamed rapidly.

Indeed, that phrase. Those six little words that burst out of your mouth as if they taste bad. It's the first thing that comes into your head. You know it's exactly what it looks like. That you did wrong. But you don't want the other person to know that.

Then the person challenges the statement. Clark was standing there. Just six feet from where I did my wrong. Where I let Archer Arch, better know as Shadow, kiss me. And even worse, where I kiss him back. Hard. Clark's blue eyes were fill with rage. He crossed his arms in his chest. He tapped his foot. It was kind of funny. He looked like a mad wife at her husband. But I couldn't laugh.

"Oh, really! I could have swear I just saw you kissing another guy" He said.

You panic and realize that there is no denying it. The person knows. Clark looked mad. Angry. Furious. Livid. Pissed Off. His eyes were burning in wrath. The vein in his neck was just about to burst. You seen many movies and TV shows to know that the next phrase that burst out of your mouth is,

"I can explain" I said.

The person, Clark, gets even more mad, is that even possible. He look like he was going to kill somebody. Note to self: Never pissed off the guy with superpowers, it would not end well. He got at least three foot closer to me. Only a meter divided me from my jealous angry super powered boyfriend.

"Then explain" He said simply. Hate in those words.

The person finds the flaw in your previous statement and has got you once again. You think of a good excuse. And I don't think "because he was the best kiss in my whole life" would be a good thing to say to your boyfriend. So you do what every human or some-what human being would do. The things that we, as living members of a society, best know to do.

"It wasn't my fault!" I said.

Yep, blame it on others. It's this nature thing we do. It makes us feel like is not our responsibility. That what we do it's out of our control.

"Yeah? Because from where I'm standing, it looked like you were kissing Archer pretty hard!" He yelled.

"I-I-I" I didn't have any excuses at the moment.

"Jesus, Mario! First that guy in the party and now Archer. Who's next?!" He said again.

"OH! Really! Really, Clark! I don't think I was the only one kissing in that party" I said.

He took a step back and just looked at me.

"You saw that?" He asked.

"Yes! And even if I didn't, I would had. It was all over Facebook, Clark!" I yelled. Now, I was mad. He can kissed anyone but I can't. That's the biggest double standard ever!

"Yeah. But I didn't kiss her back!" He said. And my powers kick in. The beep in my head sounds. He's lying.

"Yes. And I'm the headmaster at Howarts!" I said.

"Ok, but that's the only girl I have ever kiss" He said. He was telling the truth. Which surprise me. I mean, Clark is a pretty hot guy. He's also nice and funny. He could have anyone he wanted but why me?

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