chapter three

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I am proud to announce that I survived the first week of school. It was as easy as I expected but nobody approached me excepting MJ who is coming for a sleepover tonight. I also got into a fight with Tony because I "played" the hero around NY every night and that is why this weekend I am sleeping in Queens.

My doorbell rang telling me MJ is at the door so I quickly ran to the door opening it with a huge stupid grin "so...this house is huge, damn" she said looking around "yeah, we're kind of um...wealthy "I rubbed the back of my neck "of course, Tony Stark is your dad, you must be so lucky" I cringed at the word she used to describe Tony but brushed it off "adoptive parent" I mumbled " let me show you the room" I said in a cheery voice, going up the stairs.

Me and MJ had a lot of fun together and before going to sleep we sat in silence sometimes saying something to make each other laugh.

When MJ was asleep, which I made F.R.I.D.A.Y. scan to make sure; oh, F.R.I.D.A.Y. is here too by the way that is how Tony found out about my hero activities;
I stepped out of the room and changed into my costume then I went to the roof and jumped from roof to roof until I reached the park where I sat on the monkey bars watching the stars until a freaking loud ass alarm blared through my ears. I activated my powers and flew to the source of sound, and of course some dumb guys were trying to rob a jewellery shop.

I entered the store camouflaging and being as quiet as I could then I sneaked behind a guy hitting him in the back of the head with a lot of strength, catching the attention of the other two robbers. I made myself visible moving really fast and hitting all of them down.

Then out of nowhere this red and blue dude came looking shocked even though he had a mask on "oh, common guys you could have done better than recruit a clown" I spoke ready to attack him "wowwowwowwow no, I m not with them, I am spiderman and I do NOT look like a clown" he said flailing his arms around "not with that suit" I let my guard down and extended my hand "I don't have a hero name but you can call me 'anonymous girl that almost attacked me'"I smiled.

After that we went on a roof near the jewellery and watched the police do their job "those guys were pretty weak" I chuckled "every 'villain' here is weak" I looked down playing with my fingers until spider guy finally spoke "I know, it's pretty tiring. I dream of saving the world not to remain the friendly neighbourhood spiderman" he gestured with his hands.

I put a hand on his shoulder "don't worry, I see great things for you in the near future" I said smiling and silence filled the air. "What's your deal?" I asked "huh" he looked at me "how did you become this neighbourhood hero?"

"Well, I kind of got bit by a spider and realized I can stick to walls and I have super strength or something like that, I also sense when someone is in danger. As for the fluid, I make it" he showed me the gadgets attached to his wrist "oh so you are a genius too?" I asked and I swear he was blushing under that mask "you could say that" he smirked.

I analyzed the web shooters closely and I could tell they were made out of pieces of other stuff and it really impressed me "I have to go, but can we meet here at midnight, Thursday?" I stood up and held a hand out for him to grab and pulled him up "um...yes, totally, I mean, sure, I don't see why not" he was really nervous now.

I chuckled at the guy's behaviour and headed home the same way I came, making sure he didn't try to see who I was. When I climbed back in the house MJ was staying in front of me with a smirk "I knew it"

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