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"Hey, what's going-" my body flew up as the plane felt like it shifted down, I smack my head on the roof of the plane.

"Kayla!" I hear Quinton scream, my forehead smacks into the top of the seat as I went down making my head bounce back. I fall back onto the floor.

My ears began to ring as I listen to people screaming and crying. My vision was foggy and my head started pounding.

Sophias point of view

My jaw drops as I literally watch Kayla smack her head into the seat. Joey and I strapped ourselves with our seat belts, when Kayla went to the bathroom, so we were fine.

"Kayla!" Quinton and Joey get up grabbing her. Lina runs over and so does other people.

"We need to land! Three people are severely injured. Is everyone alright?" you heard random answers from people coming from different directions.

"Kayla hunny we need you to sit down, we're in Hawaii. Once we land you're gonna head straight to the hospital okay?" a flight attended helped Kayla up carefully as she was barely conscious from hitting her head from the bad turbulence we all just experienced.

Two girls that recognized us and pointed their phones at Kayla as she was trying to be lifted up onto the seat.

"Hey! stop. Not right now!" Joey says to them, they put their phones down slowly and turn around. Joey holds Kayla as we started landing, making sure that she wasn't moving her head around much.

Seeing Joey and Kayla okay again was honestly the best. Joey was miserable and always asked me how she was and what she's been up too. I understand why she did it, Joey shouldn't have said that but that's just Joey.

We all got off of the plane and three ambulances were near the plane. Kayla stumbles around as she could barely keep her balance.

"Two people are allowed. I'm going in for sure" Quinton says, Quinton was super cute. I had a small tiny crush on him but I doubt he'd look at me that way.

I noticed Quinton and Kayla were super close, they were closer to each other then I was with Joey. He was so protective over her and it was adorable.

Kaylas mom walks with Quinton as he carried Kayla into the ambulance.

Kayla point of view

I was fine. I was in a lot of pain yes but I seriously didn't need an ambulance to take me to the hospital. It annoyed me a bit because I didn't wanna spend my first four hours in a hospital in Hawaii.

I had a small concussion but that was it. The plane had a really bad turbulence I guess. We were already on the news about it all. There was even videos that I was featured in it and let me tell you, I looked like I was in a action movie. You saw everything that happened.

We finally got to the hotel. They all waited in the lobby for us coming back from the hospital. Sophia hugs me making me smile.

"Guys trust me i'm fine, lets go" I groan, we all went to our rooms and settled everything for the week. I went on my phone even though I wasn't supposed to.

I know i'm a baddy.

Anthony: babe please tell me you're okay

unexpected • joey birlemWhere stories live. Discover now