DaHyun sighed and sat back on his chair. He picked the file again, flipping every page, reading every detail then he stopped at the last page and smiled happily."Maybe you're the one who's going to make me number one." He smirked and fished out his phone. He then dialled someone's number and commanded.
"Why not we have a dinner with number one?" He said on the call caressing the picture in front of him. He then ended the call and leaned back on his chair closing his eyes.
"DaHyun-ah, I have something to show you." His dad shouted from the living room.
"What is it dad?" little DaHyun came out from his room. He went downstairs and hugged his dad happily. He then looked at the girl beside his dad.
"Who's she dad?" little DaHyun asked pointing at girl.
"This is what I wanted to show you." He said raising up the hand of that girl beside him.
"I'm Kim DaHyun. What is your name?" He asked the girl who seemed to be loss of words.
"Tell him your name dear." His dad said patting her back. She looked up to him and smiled. She then extended her hand to DaHyun.
"I'm Momo Hirai." The girl said smiling at him. DaHyun smiled as well and shook his hand with her.
"Momo, go with the maid. She will show you your room." He said gesturing the maid to led the girl. The maid nodded and took Momo with her.
"But who's she dad?" DaHyun asked. His dad kneeled down in front of him and grabbed his shoulder.
"I told you last time that we need to clean some dust from my way." His father said looking into his eyes.
He nodded and he surely knew what he meant by cleaning the dust from his way. Though DaHyun was just a six years old kid, he was raised well in the mafia world by his father.
"I cleaned it well but I then I found something precious in that dust." He said with a smile. DaHyun was still not getting it.
"Only his father and uncle were in my way, not her and I was going to kill her. it is bad, right?" He asked DaHyun. DaHyun nodded immediately.
"So, I let her live and the thing is...I was thinking to..."
"She'll live with us, right?" DaHyun asked. His father chuckled and nodded.
"My smart boy. I need a favour."
"Anything for you dad."
"I want you to protect her. She's too innocent for this world."
"She doesn't know yet that you did everything?" DaHyun exclaimed. His father shook his head.
"From now on, she's my responsibility dad. I'll protect her. Always."
"Even if I die?"
"Dad don't say that. You won't leave us." DaHyun hugged his father.
Flashback end...
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ФанфикThis is a short Fanfiction I wrote based on my little brother's Idea. Well, he forced me to write it so here it is. I just changed some scenes like some moments of couples. He's still a kid for that 😁 It's our 70-30 work... Here, JeongYeon, ChaeYou...