ø6 : vulnerability

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francesco dodged a book that jacopo had launched at him in his fury. it smacked the wall behind him before falling to the floor with a resounding thud.

"you incompetent fool!"

another book flew through the air, and francesco scampered out of its path.

"you've ruined everything!"

"i only followed your order!"

he stared at his uncle in trepidation; he knew there would be turbulence when he told him giuliano escaped, but he did not expect such a violent physical reaction. now, it seemed, he had a second beating to fear.

jacopo snarled as he tore around the desk and stormed towards his nephew. francesco panicked and tried to flee, but his uncle caught him by the collar and yanked him back.

"our best chance at crippling the de'medici are gone! all because you were a coward!"

he swung his fist into his nephew's face, earning a yelp. he squirmed helplessly as jacopo grabbed him by his curled hair and wrenched him to the ground.

before francesco even had a chance to defend himself, his uncle kicked him hard in the ribs. the air left his lungs in one sputtered cough, and jacopo reeled his foot back and kicked him again.

"you have dishonored the pazzi name!"

francesco struggled weakly on the ground as he was hailed with kicks. he tried to roll over to shield his damaged ribs, but his attempts were fruitless.

"father! stop!"

the desperate shout of guglielmo alerted jacopo, but he continued on as if he hadn't heard his son. salviati swept into the room like a shadow, past guglielmo in the doorway and straight for his father with a look that could kill. he gripped jacopo by his clothes and forcefully pulled him away from his cousin, separating the two.

francesco wheezed and writhed on the floor with his newfound freedom, his breaths labored and strained. guglielmo raced to his side, kneeling down gingerly and surveying his injuries.

jacopo shook off salviati, shoving him back aggressively.

"step aside, guglielmo! your cousin has no need of your services!"

although guglielmo had a reputation of being flighty and faint of heart, he stood protectively over francesco and held his ground.

"have you gone mad? look what you've done to him!"

"i know exactly what i've done. now move, or will i have to do that for you?"

jacopo's chilled words were laced with a clear threat: move, or you will receive the same fate as your cousin.

salviati rushed to his brother's aid, standing over francesco in an act of defiance. he drilled his dark eyes into his father's blue ones, glinting with a dare to challenge him.

"i don't know what has gotten into you, father, but it needs to stop, now."

jacopo glared fiercely back at his two sons as his haze of rage faded away. his eyes flitted over to his nephew on the floor, spitting blood from his lips, and he found that he did not regret his actions in the slightest.

hungry dogs are never loyal × fpWhere stories live. Discover now