Chapter One - Pureblood?

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A girl ran to home, hoping that she wasn't late. But unfortunately she was, in front of her stood her house- well -burnt house with ambulances and fire trucks surrounding it. She started crying, balling her eyes out as she ran inside and looked for anything that was in good condition, she first ran to her room, glad to see some of the books that weren't burnt and quickly grabbed them shoving them into her backpack, she then turned towards her desk and saw the fireproof box. She took the key from her necklace and opened it. Inside laid a photo album, birthday cards and voice recordings. She smiled softly before shutting and locking the box. She then took some clothes that were still in good condition. (Her room was far away from the fire so it would've took a few minutes to get to it? Her parents and brother tried to run downstairs and then burning wood fell on top of them, killing them, if that makes sense? Anyway, let's carry on) after looking around her room for anything else and nodding to herself, she went into her parents and her baby brothers room (This is one room) She grabbed a few books from her father, a teddy bear from her brother and a glass flower from her mother. She then put them it her big backpack and ran away hoping to be free from the orphanage. She bumped into a man as she was thinking of things she could do. She looked hesitantly at the man, noticing that he was already staring at her, shocked. She is a pure blood? The man though, then he smiled at the little girl and bent down to the her level.
"Hello, sorry for bumping into you, if you don't mind telling me... What's your name?" The man asked.
"(Y-Y/N) (L/N), Sir..." She said while turning away playing with her fingers, shyly.
"Well that's a lovely name (Y/N), I'm Karlheinz Sakamaki, it's nice to meet you. By the way, where are your parents?"
She looked down and mumbled under her breath hoping that the older man didn't hear her, well since he is a vampire and has great hearing skills, he heard her.
"T-they died in a f-fire..." Karlheinz gasped and hugged the 6 years old."Do you want to stay with me and my sons? Since I don't know where else you would be able to go, except for the orphanage."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened and she tried protesting saying that she will be a burden etc. But Karlheinz still insisted. So she finally agreed and went with Karl to the limo. She sat quietly as awkward silence filled the car.
"So, (Y/N), do you want to know more about my sons?" Karlheinz asked.
"S-sure..." Stammered (Y/N).

*Le time skipeu*

As they arrived at the mansion, it was already dark outside, (Y/N) felt chills running down her spine. Was this a good idea?

This is when you are 6 years old, Ayato , Laito and Kanato are the same age as you. Thanks you for reading
Peace Out  ✌️

529 words

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