Chapter 3 - The new bride?!

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Previously on Glass Flower:
Karlheinz opened the door to the mansion before me. Inside there were 6 kids walking around,with 3 different women.
"Ahh! H-Hello, it's nice to meet you all. I h-hope we get along" I stammered.
This is the biggest room I had! It had (F/C) sheets of the bed with (White/Black) Pillows. There was also a small dresser, closet and an office desk.
Watch out Y/N, you are next on the list. Your pretty face won't be able to save you.

Your POV
As I late on my bed with my earphones that Shu gifted me. I then heard talking downstairs. I went to see what was disturbing my music. As I walked down the stairs I spotted a platinum blonde surrounded Laito and Kanato. "Will you quite down? You are too loud" I grumbled at them, looking at them. "Who is she?" I asked when everyone went quite. "A sacrificial bride." Shu replied. Reiji glances at Shu. Irritated that he never said anything... again. "Hmm."I examined her while circling her. "Flat chest, pretty eyes, smells good. Eh. Average." I said stopping in front of her. "Name?"
"Y-Yui Komori..."
"Okay. I'm (Y/N) (L/N). The blondie on the couch is Shu. The purpled hair one is Reiji. Then that pervy red head without the fedora is Ayato. The pervy red head with the fedora is Laito. The one holding Teddy is Kanato. Then the one who punched the wall is Subaru. They are the Sakamaki brothers. Any questions?"
The blondie shook her head. "Good. Now be a good girl and don't bother me." I went back upstairs to my room till I passed the locked room. I smirked, That's what you get Cordelia. I walked passed it to my room. I went inside and laid on my bed, while thinking, my eyes started to feel heavy as I fell into a deep slumber.

Laito's POV
Fufufu, Bitch~chan is fun to play with. Her blood is sweet and I think she's taken a liking to Ayato. Stupid girl. She won't be able to be with him. I wonder how Cutie~chan is doing. (Cutie~chan is you). Then I heard yelling and shouts. I ran as well to the source of the sound. "Out of all room to hide in, you chose this one?!"
"How did you even open it? It was locked wasn't it?"
"What happened here?" Everyone froze at her cold tone. "(Y-Y/N)..."

Your POV
I woke up to the sound of yelling and shouts from the Sakamaki brothers.Something was bugging me. I went to find Blondie inside a room surrounded by the brothers. It's locks were broken and have fallen to the floor. W-wait, that's the room... that's Cordelia's room! (I thinks it's her room no?) "What happened here?"
"Blondie. Explain."
"I-I ran away from Ayato when he tried to bite me... I saw this room. And went inside. There wasn't any locks on when I saw it!! I went inside but then I saw a woman... and my heart started hurting..." My eyes grew wide. This can't be happening... why is Cordelia possessing her?! "Okay. Leave this room and don't think about coming back in here. If you see that woman again just call out to one of us." I said my tone still cold. I looked at the clock and saw that it was time for night school. "Get ready for night school, Blondie." I said while walking to my room, making sure she heard it. I put on the uniform and went downstairs to eat some pancakes. "Hey!! Chinchinashi!!" (Is that how you spell it?) Ayato shouted at Blondie. "Y-yes Ayato?" She stammered. "Let Ore-Sama drink from you."
"Hey, Aya-kun?"I look over to them. Blondie looks at me hopefully, thinking that I'm going to save her, tsk, as if. "Leave some for me as well" Yui's hopeful look turned 180 degrees. I smirked as Ayato nodded. He pushed her to the wall and bit her neck. Making Blondie squirm in uncomfortableness. When he pulled away. I bit in the same place he did, making it less hurtful for her. Not noticing that it was an indirect kiss. I lapped up the blood and pulled away. I cleaned my mouth with my wrist. I looked at Ayato and saw that his face was red. I tilted my head in confusion as if to say 'you okay?' He just shook his head saying not to worry. We finally went outside to the limo. It's going to be a long day.

Hello, here's another chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next chapter. Peace Out ✌️.

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