Part Seven

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The streets were quiet. It wasn't completely uncommon to break curfew, but with rumors of rogue firebenders around, it seemed as though no one dared invoke the Dai Lee's wrath.
Lei kept a tight grip on Zuko's wrist. It was easy to get lost in the maze of alleys. She also had to make sure he kept up with her. On her own, the journey from her apothecary to Gene's regular meeting place on the wall would take no more than an hour, but with Zuko, still slowed with pain and unfamiliar with the terrain, their progress had been anything but timely.
Nevertheless, they had been lucky.
Because of the recent attack, there were more Dai Lee patrols than ever, but with their armor and large numbers, it was no tricky business to hear their approach and find a hiding spot while they passed.
Another predicament of traveling with a companion was finding places big enough to conceal them both.
More than once, Lei had been forced to press herself flush against Zuko in some tight corner to conceal them both in shadow. She knew that the pressure couldn't have been comfortable against his injured chest, but Zuko never once complained.
After much too long, the pair finally emerged from the edges of the slums.
"We're going to have to cut through the corn field," Lei hissed. "The roads are too exposed."
Zuko nodded and gave no complaint as they stepped over the low wooden fence and forged into the crops.
The wall was an easy beacon to follow, even with her view shrouded from the plants, she never lost sight of the watchtower. At the base of the tower, there was a grouping of trees and foliage flush with the wall, which gave great cover for Gene to create the tunnel.
He would already be there waiting for them, having hung back and hidden after his shift.
Finally, the two arrived. Lei released Zuko's hand and ran her finger along the rough stone. Gene was a very good earthbender. There was no evidence that this piece of stone hid a secret tunnel.
"Gene?" Lei hissed quietly. The darkness of the night enhanced by the shade from the trees made it difficult to see.
"Gene, we're here. You can come out."
"Lei—" Zuko whispered, a hint of warning to his voice. "I have a bad feeling about this."
"Gene wouldn't betray me," Lei said through gritted teeth, though she couldn't deny the heavy pit forming in her stomach. "Maybe he just hid inside the tunnel and can't hear us."
Lei rapped her knuckles against the stone.
"Gene, please! We—"
Lei gasped and recoiled as the stone from the wall wrapped itself around her hand.
"Lei!" Zuko exclaimed. He moved forward to help her, only to be hit in the side by a small boulder.
"Zuko!" Lei screamed. She pulled at her hand, but it wouldn't budge.
"I knew it," Gene said suddenly, appearing from the darkness. "He is the fire prince."
"Gene, what are you doing?" Lei gasped.
Zuko groaned and tried to stand, but Gene stepped forward and kicked him in the stomach.
Zuko screamed in pain and fell back over.
Already, a dark stain of blood was forming on his tunic.
"Stop it!" Lei cried. "Don't hurt him!"
"And you knew!" Gene rounded on Lei. "I thought maybe he was tricking you, but you knew the whole time! You lied to me so you could help the prince of the fire nation!"
"I know, Gene," Lei cried. "I'm sorry I lied. But you have to let me go. You broke his stitches, he's going to die if I don't—"
"Why do you care?" Gene spat. "Don't you remember what happened to your father? To my father? My uncle? They're all dead because of a war his great grandfather started!"
"Gene, listen to me!" Lei pleaded. "He saved my life! I couldn't just abandon him!"
"Yes you could have!" Gene shouted back. "When you told me what happened I thought maybe he was one of the firebenders. I asked around about the attack and found out that people thought it was the prince and princess because there was a girl with him. A girl with a sword. And on the same night, you bring home some 'refugee' with a burnt face!" Gene reached into his pocket and brandished a wanted poster with the prince's portrait next to an old man's. Zuko's uncle. General Iroh. The Dragon of the West.
"The girl with him wasn't another firebender, or his sister. It was you."
"Gene, please," Lei tugged at the restraints around her hand again. "Don't do this. Please."
"It's too late," Gene said. "I've already sounded the alarm. The Dai Lee are almost here."
As he spoke the sound of many footsteps could be heard coming through the undergrowth.
"He's going to be tried and executed," Gene said, pointing to where Zuko was still struggling to right himself, "but you don't have to be."
Lei tore her eyes away from Zuko to focus on Gene. He looked desperate and scared.
"I know you turned me down in the field, and again in your house. I know you're never going to love me the way I want you to, but if you love me at all, you'll forget about him and come with me now."
Lei shook her head.
"I'm not going to abandon him."
Some hard and complex emotion came crashing down over Gene's face.
"Please, Lei," he begged.
The footsteps were nearly on top of them. Zuko had succeeded in standing, but he still leaned heavily against a tree and clutched at his bleeding stomach.
The small clearing erupted as over a dozen Dai Lee burst forward.
Zuko yelled a battle cry like none Lei had ever heard and jumped into the fray.
With a grimace, Lei wrenched back and punched Gene square in the jaw with her free hand.
He reeled and, in his distraction, dropped the stone that had restrained her.
Lei drew her sword and hit Gene square in the temple with the butt of her hilt. He crumpled to the ground as Lei searched for a new target, but the battle was already over. Zuko was being held between four of the Dai Lee, each encasing his limbs in an impressive cast of rock.
His stomach was bleeding freely now and his breathing was labored.
"Stop!" one of the Dai Lee ordered her. "You are under arrest for aiding a known enemy of the earth kingdom."
"Run, Lei!" Zuko coughed weakly.
Even if she did, it would only delay the inevitable.
Lei sheathed her sword and raised her hands above her head in surrender.

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