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(Robin in the picture)

Robin hadn't liked me when Ice first started talking to me. But I get it, four-year-olds get jealous easily. He changed a lot since then, just as I did. But while he bloomed to be a handsome heartbreaker with an okay personality, I'd settled into the role everyone saw me as anyways. He looked dangerous, I looked scary. He looked dark with a bright light and bright elements in general, I was just dark. He held his head high and smirked at everyone, I kept to the shadows and wove through crowds with an almost permanent frown. His eyes were glittering and daring you to turn your back, mine were cold and daring you to come closer. He was loved and I was avoided at all costs. So, honestly, Robin and I would probably never even have talked to each other under normal circumstances, heaven forbid spending enough time together to actually trust each other with secrets. But we both were close with Ice and Ice glued us together.

Of cause I'd been expecting this to happen. I expected his friends to stop spending time with me as much now. But for Robin to actually outright tell me that I should stay away? And not even in person but just through Becky? Just through his girlfriend? Now, that was shabby as hell!

"Excuse me, he said what?!", I hissed at her. That whipped the smug look from her stupid face right away. Of cause, right now she was scared. I was one of the top fighters and everybody knew, so even people like her, who hated me for something I had no control over, held their distance when I was angry. "Listen here, bitch, and go tell your petty boyfriends as well!", I growled at her getting closer a few steps until she was trapped against the lockers, "I may not be together with Ice anymore. That doesn't mean that we don't belong together anymore, though! We were friends long before anything happened and opposed to some pathetic whores like you, some people actually care for each other on multiple levels, so if you ever dare to tell me as his closest and longest friend to stay away from Ice, I will not just leave like that again. Are we clear?" She nodded at me hastily, to which I smirked back. That was all there was before I walked away from her.

Asshole! Boy-whore! Fucking pretender! And that after he checked in on me this morning...

Hold up a second! That thought got me standing still right then and there on the stairs, halfway up to the dorms. That's right. Robin and Flynn checked up on me this morning. That bitch had been his girlfriend for, what, four days? And she'd hated me on every occasion we meet. So now the question, did Robin really say that or did she just want to get rid of me herself and thought it'd be easier that way? She did basically say I "belonged in a Zoo since I was actually just a wild animal inside and not a real werewolf" that one time, after all... It was possible. I should probably ask him. So instead of going to my room, I decided to go into the kitchen. There was the highest possibility to meet him. Not because he ate a lot, really, and he was a terrible cook, but he liked to hang there and talk to everyone who got there. He always said that it was lively. And really: there he was, sitting at his usual spot and playing on his phone.

Still way too angry to pretend like nothing happened, I decided to get his attention by loudly slamming my hand onto the table right in front of him. It worked perfectly, even startled him enough drop his phone on the floor. "Wha- Crow?", he stuttered confused once he saw me. I only glared at him. He gulped and let out a nervous laugh. "Ouch, dude. What's with that look? Did... Did I do something?"

I decided to retire with the same question, watch his response. So I crossed my arms, giving him a humorless smile and I mused: "I don't know. Did you?" Interestingly enough he looked even more confused now. I could literally see him going through the past hours in his mind, searching for anything. "Are you still mad you didn't get to overdose on caffeine?", he guessed after a while. I raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't going to, and yes, but that's not it. Try again." He looked at me lost. "Did I forget your birthday?", he cried out desperately. Hey, this was actually kinda funny. Enough so to lift my mood from a-bitch-gonna-die to say-the-right-stuff-and-you-may-survive. So I shook my head. "No, not yet. But I did have a lovely chat with your girlfriend. Care to make a comment?"

"Becks? What are you talking...? D-Did she say something to you again?" At this point he seemed to change from confused to frantic, having his hands raised in a defensive way and searching my face for something. "I mean, we've been over this. Dude, I don't like the way she talks to you either but she's her own person. I can't control her. A-And I mean, I can, like, talk to her so something. But we both know it's not gonna do much so..." He trailed off from his little rant with a nervous smile.

I looked at him for a few moments, then shook my head. "We're something like friends, right? At least we've been stuck for a while. And I like you, you can be a nice idiot.", I finally told him. This obviously confused him, at least if the look on his face was anything to go by. He opened his mouth, but I silenced him by raising my hand. "I'm not done. So, since I like you, here's a friendly advice: Break up with Becky. You don't want to be with someone who spreads lies about you to push her own opinions through. You're lucky I know you well enough, because otherwise I wouldn't feel much better about you right now than I do about her."

And just like that, confusion and nervousness turned to anger. "What the actual fuck? Who do you think you are to tell me who do be with?! You do realise that you've been on each other's throats basically every chance you get, right? And in case you forgot, she never lied to me! You lie all the fucking time." Wow. That stung more than it should have. I also didn't remember when I'd last heard him yell like that... And I could feel it triggering my wolffish instincts. Not good. I really had to get him to stop.

"Don't scream at me." The words were supposed to be a warning, but I guess it sounded more like a threat with the way I had to clench my teeth.

"Why? Because you can do whatever and I have to make sure not to hurt your feelings? You're such a selfish fuck!"

"I never said that and you know that. Fuck off!"

"Oh?! So I have to stop buy you get to continue with whatever you're doing? Again? I'm so sick of your double standards! So is Flynn. So is Alex. Hell, everyone is sick and tired of your attitude!"

"I'm serious, Robin. Stop right now or you will regret it." Seriously, I was barely hanging on here. But maybe he didn't understand the problem? So I added as an afterthought: "You know what I am."

"Oh, yeah? How convenient for you! Every fucking time anyone else brings that up you lose it. But you always use it as an excuse! Stop pretending you don't enjoy the way they look at you!" I don't. I just made my peace with it. "You're always hiding behind that, you know? And behind Ice. Well, newsflash, you're not his boyfriend anymore!" I know. Believe me, I know that. "I'm trying to be nice about it here. But don't pretend you didn't know it would come to this. It's a sucky situation, we get it. But if you don't want the help, don't pretend we don't try!" I know. I just want to forget about it... "If you're gonna tell me to get over my girl without any proof, fine, get over Ice first! I'm not losing someone else because of you."

I don't know what exactly it was. The way he said it, the words itself, what he was implying. I really don't know. But I suddenly went blank. My mind was filled with pure anger, nothing else. I can't remember what happened, but when I snapped out of it... Well, fuck, I guess. Robin was laying on the floor, claw marks clearly visible on a part of his face and the arm he still held in front of it. And there was blood on my hand. On my shifted hand. Did I... Was that me? Had I done that? Had I really snapped that much that I had hurt one of the few people I would consider myself to be close to? I was in shock, as was he obviously. But he was also scared. I went closer to help him up, but as I did so, he flinched.

Fuck! No! No, no, no, no, no! This had not just happened. I fucked up. I fucked up bad.

And the only thing I could think to say was: "I tried to warn you." He didn't move, was frozen like a deer in the headlights. And I couldn't even look at him as I did so. It felt as though I was suffocating. And I knew I should stay, make sure he was okay. The wound was still bleeding, after all! But I just... I couldn't think straight. And I didn't feel safe. So I did the only thing I could think of: I ran away from my problems. Again.

God, I'm such a coward...

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