(ʘᴗʘ✿)How You Meet (ʘᴗʘ✿)

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A/n : Like I said in the previous chapter, I will be making So Preferences for this book now, so I hope you do enjoy, have a great day, and request a character. Bai. - Crappy

🖤Stanley Marsh🖤

-The two of you met on your first day of freshmen year at South Park High.

 -He randomly sat next to you since well, his friends were all sitting by somebody. 

-Cartman sat next to Butters, Kyle sat next to your friend, (F/n), and Kenny sat by himself, since he needs his bus beauty sleep in the mornings.

 -You two got to talking and then you two turned out to become friends

 -You two ended spending a lot of time together in and out of school 

-Couple months later, you two became South Park High's power couple 😍

Daddy Ray : *coughs* I give it 3 months.
Stan : Shaddup Ray, no one asked you.
Daddy Ray : Boi, watch when you lose her. Mwah hah hah hah.

💚Kyle Broflovski💚

(That's how you spell it, correct? Lemme know in the comments) 

-You got a 100 on your surprise Algebra test that Mr. Garrison decided to give you one day. 

-He was very jealous and he hated how you got a 100 when he got a 97. 

-Y'all got to talking and y'all compromised and you were Kyle's new Algebra tutor 

- Obvious to everyone else, Kyle could not contain himself around you

- Neither could you lmao 

-you two eventually became a great couple. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

😤Eric Cartman😤

-Y'all sorta roughly bumped into each other somehow. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

-Then dis boi started bitching under his breath, complaining bout you bumping into him.

-Then you confronted him about his attitude problems.

-Your squad gasped in worry and shock cos, well, no one ever confronted Eric Cartman without leaving with some type of injury.

-You showed up was a bad lil bish.

-He confound in you cuz of your similar personalities (i.e. bitchy to everyone except the friends y'all had) 

-Y'all hung out after school. At KFC, ofcccc

-Then became bitchin' gossip besties.

-"Tee hee. Oh m gee, did you see what Wendy had on today?'  "Ooooh, that bitch look like a whole hoe, bro." *Annoying ass giggling continues*

-Then a Bonnie & Clyde relationship. {How fucking lovely! ♪After all this time, I'm still single. I sHoUlD bE iN mY RoOm CrYiNgGgGgGgGgGgG♪ 😂😂😂}

🧡Kenny McCormick🧡

-Y'all were already heathenous childhood friends from the first time you came to South Park to visit fam. ಠ_ಠ

-Y'all had a lovely reunion since you were staying there for good, since you didn't want to live in your hometown anymore.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

-Y'all were skipping classes together to go to a smoke shop.

-Later on, he asked you to be his lovely girlfriend and you said "hells yes"

-Long story short, y'all became a very nasty couple. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

💙Craig Tucker💙 
-I mean, you met Slender Man after you joined Craig's Squad.

-Tolkien introduced y'all properly cuz he thought the two of you would be a hella good match.

-Your lovely personality was the exact opposite of Tucker's.

-Turns out, Tolkien was riiiight.

-Y'all hit it off instantly, nerding out over space and anime 

-Cute couple, if I do say so mahself.

Tweek Tweak☕ 

-Y'all didn't exactly meet in person, but you two met on Coonstagram. (◕ᴗ◕✿)

-You two had so much in common, you just had to meet each other. (ʘᴗʘ✿)

-Long story short, you two met each other in South Park, Colorado and became the most cutest couple ever. *Closes book loudly* The End.

✨Clyde Donovan✨ 

-You guys met in gym class one day. ᕙ(@°▽°@)ᕗ

-He was checking you out!👀

-You noticed him & ofc, he noticed you.꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

-Y'all got to talking.(〃゚3゚〃)

-Somehow, you managed to announce you two were dating two weeks after you met each other

-Bebe was vvv heated about you two going out 

-Happily ever after for you two!(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

💜Tolkien Black💜 

-You guys also met on Coonstagram.⟵(๑¯◡¯๑)

-He thought you were smoking and decided to slide into your DMS.

-Turns out, you two went to the same high school. (☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞

-He asked you in school in f r o n t  o f  e v e r y  f u g g i n  b o d y

- You being you ofc said yes.

-The most boujee couple, let me add. ಥ‿ಥ

AwriGht, lemme know if you want to add any characters and well, I hope ya liked it, cuz there's more where that came from! You guys are amazing and also, h a v e  a  n i c e  d a y.

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