💖He Asks You Out💖

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A/n : Like Naruto, I never go back on my word. I told you that I was gonna make a chapter for you guys! I might make another...but it kinda depends on what I'm doing today.

🖤 Stanley Marsh🖤 

-He was VVVV nervous, tbh

-He was thinking the worst (with his emo b!tcha$$ self)

-Of course Kyle was gonna help his friend get the girl!

- Kyle had the most perfect plan...
-It of course had Stan serenade the hell outta you.

*Skip to lunchtime by of course, yours truly*

-Stan played 'Can't Help Fallin' In Love With You' on the guitar.

-Kyle gave her the chocolates and black roses that Stan bought for you.

-He had the most beautiful singing voice, my guy 🤤

-After the song, he of course asked you with a red tomato face

-"Of course, Stan!"

-Everyone clapping and whistling as the two share a passionate kiss.

💚Kyle Broflovski💚:

-After so many tutoring sessions, you finally got the hang of Algebra! (Good for you... you've done something I can't do for the life of me-)

-Kyle realized that you didn't need his help anymore...(Poor Kahl)

-He still wanted to hang out with you outside of school.

-He also had MEGA  feelings for you, hun. 😉

-Like every friggin' time he saw you, he was a human tomato, my guy. 😊

-Stan, of course saw this immediately one day they passed you in the hallway.

- "I'mma help, don't worry, I got you, man." (SUPER BEST FRIENDS FOR LYFEEE)

-Kyle had such a noice plan for you

-He decided to give you one last tutoring session..


-He led you to the library and the room was dim, romantic, and very beautiful.

-He had lilies in a beautiful vase, three giant boxes of chocolate, and a pink envelope with a heart for a stamp.

-You decided to open the envelope first.

-It said in nice calligraphy writing : "(Y/n), Will You Please Go Out With Me?"

-You read the letter carefully over and over to make sure you are reading it correctly.

-"Yes, Kyle! A million times yes!!!" Said with happy tears, ofccc

-Heated newly couple kiss

😤Eric Cartman 😤 

-After that little encounter the two of you had, he knew he had to meet you.

-"Can't believe that she was so pretty but so...bold"✨✨

-He found out that your childhood friend was..... KaHl....

-"Why would you care, fata$$? What, do you have feelings for her or smth?"

-*cue awkward silence from Stan's gang*


-Kyle & Kenny help Cartman out.

-Even though, they believe that you may change Cartman.

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