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Yoongi Pov

After the other two left for classes early i couldnt stop tossing and turning, it was my second day of my heat and well, its gonna be a hellish second day, i fiddled with the hem of the blanket trying to distract myself from the uncomfortable feeling below deck, got up just to take a shower to get the excess sweat off my body.

When i got up my legs were shakey and i could feel my head spinning a bit, this was the norm and nothing was new about heats, but boy did i hate dealign with mine at times, it was embarrasing and irritating at times, though tae and joon dont mind and they dont say anything i still feel really embarrased and flustered, for us cat hybrids we're very needy at times, for me i have far to much pride to show that to those two, i'd hate myself if i ever show that side of me to them so i usually put up a front, but it was hard to do that when that hoseok guy was around, what caught me off guard was the fact that he could pick up on my pheromones for a human, it left me puzzled as well. 

His friends couldnt pick up on it which is expected since they are humans but for him to it was kind of shocking, my question was if he had any, i didnt sense them when he was in the room so maybe i have to get closer, if anything i want to ask him about it and the only way to do that is through the very vent they came out of.

I shook my head at that last thought and headed to my bathroom, turning the shower on and stepping it, i splashed my face with the warm water.


After 20 minutes of relaxation, i couldnt shake the feeling of that one question i had, i'd probably be safe if i did go through the vent and asked, but what if his hyung was in the room, my ass would be caught right away, i bit my lip and eyed the vent.

"shit" I breathed out and got up.

"guess curiousity is really gonna kill the cat" I said unhinging the vent and climbing up before closing it.


Hoseok Pov

It was a day off for us since the class was canceled, jin and jimin were gonna go shopping for some food and clothes so i decided to stay home since i had enough clothes and well...there was no reason for me to help out with groceries if jin-hyung had jimin.

"Ok hoseok we're going" Jin announced before closing the door,

I sighed, at the fact that it was only just the start of school and im already stressed.

I switched from channels since there was nothing really piquing my interest at the moment until i heard some fumbling from down the hall, quirking my eyebrow at the sound i decided to just ignore it, it was probably the people next door to us.

Yoongi Pov

i had almost quietly made it out of the vent, honestly it was hard doing so when i was in such a hazy state, i could faintly hear the tv on, my guess was that i wasnt necessarily alone here which made me a bit happy at the thought but worried as well, i prayed that it was the exact person i wanted to meet for questions.

Huffing i quietly pulled the door opened and tippy-toed out into the hall, as i was walking a little towards the sound of the tv i was suddenly hit with a wave of heat in my stomach and most importantly in my lower regions,

"Fuck" i whimpered,

i knew it was a bad idea to come out in this state and of all time and day it was now, i couldnt get up on my legs since i lost all feeling and strength in them, i was clearly not gonna get away fast enough if someone was nearby.


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