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The sun was practically out when the two boys settled down, jimin had wiped tae clean and changed the sheets, but he couldn't help but feel the pain in his shoulder, he wasn't the type that had kinks for being bitten or biting so he really wasn't expecting the younger to do so at all. He was worried because when wiping the wound it didn't want to stop bleeding. Jimin hoped he wasn't gonna bleed out, he shrugged since it was just small little holes it couldn't possibly kill him, He put a bandaged over it and went to sleep.

>>>>>Later in the day<<<<<

Namjoon Pov

"They're still asleep?" Namjoon asked,

"I'd assume so, they did come back pretty late yesterday and im sure tae is probably exhausted as well" Jin explained, he was fixing up some lunch for the others since they stayed longer than expected.

"I don't know jin, I smelled tae last night and his scent was strong, I was gonna check up on him but I assumed he was fine," Namjoon said with worry on his face.

"What do you mean?" jin mumbled,

"I mean he seemed like he was in heat, his scent was oddly sweet and it was stronger than usual" The younger hybrid explained,

"Then I'll call them up, im sure tae is fine jimin is with him," Jin said smiling.

"That's what im worried about" Namjoon whined,

"Joon. Why? im sure jimin wouldn't take advantage if tae didn't want to, you didn't take advantage of me when I didn't want to so it's ok" Jin mumbled quietly blushing a bit.

"Well yea hyung, but tae is young, if that the case it's his first heat, his pheromones are stronger and we don't know if jimin is his mate, if tae claims jimin its hell, which I don't think he would since he isn't dominant to do so, so jimin should be unclaimed, but he'll probably have tae's scent all over him" Namjoon explained watching the older place plates down.

"Well joon, I wouldn't worry too much call the other to come to eat and knock on the door for jimin t wake up already," Jin said.

Namjoon sighed before doing so and he knocked on jimin's door, he could smell tae's strong scent as well as another that was unfamiliar to him. He brushed it off before heading back to the dining room.


Jimin had heard the knock on the door and awoke due to it, he felt his whole body in pain more so his shoulder the most, he hissed at the pain shooting up his neck and got up even more. He looked over to see tae sound asleep still, calmer than he was earlier last night.

The older lightly shook the younger awake much to his displeasure.

"Tae baby~ we have to get up for before the others suspect something and or come in unannounced" Jimin explained softly, the little hybrid whined a bit and opened his eyes before a frown spread across his face.

Jimin was puzzled by the sudden mood change.

" sorry, im sorry im sorry!" Tae broke down crying, Jimin was beyond shocked at his sudden outburst and because of that, the two others came running in.

Namjoon was about to pounce on tae trying to protect his brother, but he stopped at the sight of jimin's neck.

"Jimin, wha-what happened?!?! did he claim you?!?!?!" Namjoon yelled out.

Jimin flinched at the older hybrid's voice,

"What?" Jimin asked, 

"The bite, did he bite you?" Namjoon asked worry stricken on his face.

", yea he did but its ok, I don't mind it" Jimin blushed completely, he couldn't possibly tell the others he and tae had sex.

"Oh god, how could you let that happen?!?!" Namjoon asked,

"Why is that bad?" Jin asked,

"Yes, I mean no, but yes in our case. Tae claimed jimin meaning he's his, no other hybrid can get him, but it's not normal in your kind's eyes though. Not to mention because of that, I don't know how jimin will react to a bite by a hybrid or a human in general...Don't worry it isn't fatal or anything, but I'll increase a lot of negative and positive things" Namjoon explained sighing harshly.

Tae was still a sobbing mess against jimin's chest.

"That is?" Jimin asked curiously,

"Well for starters, you're gonna feel the need to be around him a lot, not to mention increased sex drive as well. He also may get aggressive if anyone is too close. Otherwise, you're fine besides your shoulder hurting which im guessing you're feeling right now, we're kinda close to wolves in a way we have the ability to claim mates, but unlike wolves, they can get sick and may die due to broken bonds as for us, no, but im not sure the effects with a human. Another thing is we aren't supposed to be here so if word gets out that you got claimed by a hybrid all hell is gonna break loose" Namjoon rambled on.

"Ji-Jimin i-i-m sorry Taetae sorry" Taehyung cried, it was obvious he had slipped into his headspace a bit and that worried me more.

"Its ok tae don't worry im not mad" jimin reassured the younger.

"Um, well im gonna calm him down we're out soon" jimin explained 

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