Chapter 1: When All Is Lost

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A sickening crunch emitted from Cyan's body as he crashed to the ground made of steel. A trail of blood followed as he slithered across it, beginning to pool around him as soon as he came to a halt, dripping from the edge of the platform and down to the very bottom of the ginormous factory on which's roof the battle between Pink and Blue raged.

With a strained cough and groan of pain, the young shape forced himself to sit up, his body shuddering in pure agony with every single movement of his muscles which forced more of his very life essence to pour out of his countess wounds, causing the size of the puddle to increase even more. His blue shirt, already worn out from his long journey, was torn, hanging from his upper body in rags, and his trousers were soaked with dirt, the belt barely able to pin them to his hips due to its ruined condition. His knee-height boots' leather was ripped as well, exposing the skin of his injured feet and legs, though barely visible thanks to the heavy quivering that wrecked through his body,

A sickening laugh could be heard not far from him, and a massive talon smashed into the floor, long, hook-shaped claws digging into the surface without any issues. Two sharp pink eyes were studying his agonized form with glee, the normally slitted pupils having extended to full blown orbs as joy sored in the strong, heavily muscular chest that was protected by thick, armor-like scales that overshadowed every armor that had ever been made.

The monstrous being, a dragon-like creature named King Blixer, ruler over those who's color is pink, chuckled in triumph as he stepped towards his weakened opponent, his tail wagging as he stared down upon his broken body with a sadistic grin that rivaled the cruelest torturers, exposing those massive, pearly white fangs that flashed in the glow of their surroundings.

Just as the broken male wanted to hoist onto his feet and continue the battle even though it all seemed futile, the royal moved to press one of his talons onto back, pressing him against the steel surface with his body weight which was so immense compared to the rather skinny shape below him that it caused a few bones to crack and break underneath it, causing a blood-curling scream to echo through the air.

A sound that was music to long, pointed ears.

"What is wrong, dear boy? Does it hurt?", the King purred in a mocking tune, those long, the expression of pure amusement widening even more when he got a small moan of pain in response. To inflict even more pain, he kicked the heavily inured fallen hero onto his back with a single movement, this time pressing his foot down onto his chest to hinder him from breathing. "You should have thought about this before you had challenged me! Yet your foolish young mind has caused you to participate in a war that you are bound to fail."

"F-fuck you!", Cyan gasped weakly, coughing up the blood that now poured into his stomach. "Y-you'll p-pay for this, y-you monster!!"

"Oh, I don't think so.", Blixer chuckled lowly as he implied even more pressure down upon his torn body, giving a satisfied rumble when yet another cry of pain left the blue shape's lips, accompanied by a desperate, pitiful sob. "There is no one left to bring me to justice, boy. With your failure and your friends' capture, I have officially won the battle! You have lost, blue one."

"N-no!", the fallen hero wheezed, trying to push the bloodthirsty beast off with all of his remaining strength, yet his effort was for naught as the dragon-like creature did not even budge. "Y-you will n-never s-succeed! I-I won't let you!"

At those words, the monstrous monarch threw his head back as a thundering laugh emitted from his chest and echoed through the air, his massive shoulders shaking as the said sound of amusement wrecked through him. It appeared that Cyan had just told the best joke in existence.

"A-and what exactly are you about to do to prevent me from taking full control?", Blixer asked as he managed to regain most of his composure, wiping the tears that had formed in his eyes with the back of his hand. "Choke me, stab me, SKIN me?! Don't be ridicules boy, you have failed your quest, and I have completed mine. It is over. You and your friends have been destroyed, and victory is in my hands."

After what seemed like an eternity, the powerful being took mercy on the broken hero, and lifted his foot. Shuddering in relief, the blue shape gasped desperately to get the needed oxygen into his lungs, coughing up the blood that had begun to pour into his mouth. Blixer was right, he was destroyed, wrecked, absolutely broken.

There was absolutely nothing that he could.

"It would be wise to kill you where you lie, for I know that when you heal, you will certainly try to cause trouble once again.", the royal one spoke as he began to circle him, once more taking in the damage that he had inflicted to the other. "However, where would be the fun in that." The grin that spread over that face made Cyan wish that this bastard would just get over with it, but he had a suspicion that this psychopath had something much, much worse in store for him.

"No, that would be too easy, too merciful. I have to punish you for the insolence you have directed towards me, after all."

Before the young male could make any protests or even attempt to escape his fate, the powerful monarch lowered himself enough to grab him by his neck, not bothering to watch his claws as he lifted him into the air, and as such cutting deeply into his flesh, adding more wounds to his already torn body.

Despite his efforts to free himself from that iron-grip, the wounded hero was carried across the platform, towards a small cage that had begun to form itself out of thin air. Carelessly, he was thrown inside, hitting the bar with a force that surely broke the leftover bones in his body, forcing him to let out a strained scream of utter agony.

However, as one could imagine, the king could not care less about his suffering, merely closing the door and locking it with a key attached to a string that seemed to have, just like his transportable prison, seemed to have materialized out of nowhere, and put it on like one would do with a necklace. Once it hung from his powerful neck, Blixer looked inside, staring down upon Cyan's broken, bleeding body, the grin that still rested on his face spreading to the point where it almost appeared to be painful.

"W-what are y-you going t-to do to me?", the younger male asked, his voice barely above a whisper, and most likely only heard thanks to the royal's incredible sense of hearing.

"My plan is quite simple, pest.", he purred, gripping the cage at each side with his hand, lifting it as if it weighed nothing, despite its size. "I will take you to my palace, where you will become my personal prisoner. Far from your friends and family, and always supervised by none other than me, so that you will not get any ideas."

Beginning to walk towards the edge of the platform, the royal spread his wings, ready to take off and bring his prisoner into his layer like a predator would his prey.

"And speaking of your friends. I would not try to be rebellious, my boy, for I have little patience, and the way they are treated down in the dungeon depends only on your behavior alone."

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