Chapter 12: Terrific Migraine

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(Hello, my friends. Sadly, I don't feel so well at the current moment, and my writing might be influenced by it. Please alert me of any mistake you find.)

"Come on, you little rat. Move it!", Blixer snarled as he pushed Cyan forward, causing the blue shape to stumble over his own feet.

"I-I'm going as fast as I can.", the fallen hero huffed in an attempt at a snark remark, yet the weak sound of his voice chanted it to a pathetic, begging whimper, which seemed to spark joy in the rotten king's heart. That muzzle spread into a sickening grin, and his eyes gleamed in utter amusement.

"So very weak.", he chuckled, his reptile tongue darting out to lick over his dry lips. "Barely able to walk, let alone talk."

"I-I wonder whose fault that is...", he huffed, hissing as an immense stabbed his throat like a knife. The pink monstrosity laughed, throwing his head back as the deep, rumbling sound echoed through the empty, barely-lit hallway, becoming louder and louder in the fallen hero's ears. Now, he truly sounded like a demon.

"An unnecessary question, as we both know the answer.", he rumbled afterward, cruelly shoving the younger male forward once he caught up with him, displeased with the rather slow speed they were traveling through the palace with. "I told you to move it."

"And I told y-you that I-I'm going as f-fast as I can!", he protested, barely able to catch himself as only another push followed, far more brutal than the first ones.

"For the Corrupter's sake...", the king mumbled and reached up to rub his still aching forehead, the pain increasing rapidly. "Don't tempt me, little one. I did not lie when I told you that my mood is darker than the night sky outside. My migraine is horrendous, and I have neither the time nor the nerve to deal with your insolence!"

His fallen enemy scoffed. "F-fuck you!"

After those words had slipped from Cyan's mouth, the monarch stopped in his tracks, going completely still. The younger shape did the same, though his face paled with the sudden realization of what he had said, the constant fear he was feeling now replaced with utter terror. Slowly, very, very slowly, he turned around, coming to face with an expression of rage that he had never seen on any living creature before.

Blixer looked outright pissed.

His lips had twitched and remained back, revealing the several rows of razor-sharp teeth that were flashing in the light of the torches hanging on the wall, soaked with thin, dripping saliva. His eyes, normally half-lidded, were ripped wide open, that slitted pupils so thin that they could barely be seen in the fiery pink that was literally glowing with boiling hot, unhinged anger and hate.

His massive paws clenched into tight, veiny fists, his bones cracking unhealthy as his thin yet strong fingers moved. Those monstrous claws cut into the soft flesh of his palms so deeply they completely disappeared from sight, blood oozing out of the fresh wounds.

The fallen hero stumbled backwards and lost his footage, his behind hitting the floor with a loud, painful THUD. He scrambled backwards, adrenaline rushing through his veins, deactivating most of his senses and giving him new strength as he tried desperately to flee the anger of the massive creature in front of him. He wanted to run, he wanted to hide. He just wanted to get away.

But of course, his attempt to put a safe distance between him and the king was in vein, as it took the pink-scaled beast only two steps to stand over him, one of the talons pressed against his chest to hold him in place. His body suddenly seemed to absorb all light surrounding them, forcing Cyan to focus on him and only him when he raised his arms into the air, thick muscles twitching with every movement as the male readied himself to strike.

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