Chapter 10: Eclipse, The Elite

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"And this is yet another one of our many training halls!"

Indasa's voice was dripping with pride as she mentioned towards the massive door looming over them, a golden symbol of a sword crossed with a spear in its middle, glistening in the light emitted by the gorgeous chandeliers hanging above their heads, magical candles burning with a small yet bright flame.

Cyan could not help but stare at the metallic barrier that separated him and his "caretaker" from whatever is beyond it, feeling like a newborn puppy as he took in the impressive size of the structure before him.

It was different than the ones before, who had been made of simple but sturdy wood, looking far more intimidating and dangerous, as if passing through would have dire consequences for all who were brave or foolish enough to do so. If the old female wouldn't have told him where it led to, he would have thought that this was the entrance of the throne room.

"Why does it look so...", the words died on his tongue as he saw the former general's expression change into a gleeful grin, obviously recalling good memories.

"Why it looks unlike the others?", she finished his thought process, and wrapped her claws around the cool steel of the handle. "Well, the reason for its difference is quite simple. This one is specifically built for elite soldiers, made out of the strongest material that can be found in our kingdom. It is able to resist the powerful blows of their weapons, and suffers the least damage when our king participates in training sessions."

"W-wait, Blixer comes here, too?", the fallen hero winced, a sudden feeling of terror blooming in his chest. What if that pink bastard was in there right now? W-what if he was currently training with his soldiers at this moment, and they would walk right in on him decimating his elite guards? W-what if...

"Oh yes, he does. Quite often actually.", Indasa confirmed, tearing him from his racing thoughts. "He takes part at least trice a week, said he wanted to make sure that his army could take on even the strongest enemies." Her grin spread a little wider, and she rose an elegant eyebrow while peeking down the hallway leading towards the throne room, a knowing expression on her face. "But I think he does it because he wants to get rid of his energy. He is extremely hyperactive and the regular hunts in the woods are barely enough to break a sweat out of him."

"I-is there now?", Cyan asked, taking a step back in thread of her answer. But much to his relief, the older shape shook her head.

"No, don't worry. The royal audience normally lasts almost all day. He wouldn't be in there until late afternoon, and even then his participation is very unlikely. Most of the time, he retreats right back to his quarters, with a huge headache and a mood that is darker than a moonless and starless night."

"O-oh." Those news weren't exactly nice to hear either, given the fact that he had to sleep in a cage that stood in this monster's quarters!!

"But enough of chit-chat. Come, let us watch for a while. Lunch isn't until two hours.", she offered, and pushed the door open with a small grunt of effort, the hinges creaking as the door swung open, revealing a room that truly fit for elite.

The walls were white and built out of a stone that was similar to marble. The floor is made out of reflective tiles that were covered in claw marks and scratches, changing into black rubber in the area where the fighting actually takes place, the material well-used given its poor state. Countless of weapons were on display to see, reaching from simple swords to magical staffs that glistened in the light of the ginormous, candleless chandelier that was on fire, pink flames whipping through the air. Some chairs and tables, their design of course fitting excellently with everything else, were lined up at the opposite side of the room, most likely for the elite to store their belongings or rest once they are done.

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