Battle and War (Chrobin Week 2019)

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Sometime before Chapter 6. Anna

My blade crashed against Chrom's, a dull yet audible thump echoing throughout the area, as training swords were not made out of harmful metals. Our muscles strained as we pushed against each other, skin suddenly becoming suffocatingly hot, even in the chilly air. After realizing I was holding my body too tensely, I used my leg to catch Chrom as I leaped back, twirling my blade in hand.

The prince stumbled, but only for a moment. As soon as he regained footing, the intense look in his eyes returned. "Impressive. I see that all that extra training has paid off." He grinned cheekily.

Gods, how I want to kiss that smirk right off his face. "Pretty sure my enemies won't make time to flirt with me on the battlefield," I said.

He huffed a laugh, throwing his head back. "I'd hardly call that flirting, Anna," he chucked, planting his sword in the ground, like always. Why he did that still baffled me, especially with Falchion: a legendary heirloom and relic to Ylisse.

"You are the absolute worst at it so I have to take what I can get."


Rolling my eyes, my palm met my face. "Chrom, I think there are other skills for you to worry about other than flirting." How in Naga's name did I fall in love with him again?

He crossed his arms, eyes twinkling. "Oh? Like what?"

Is this dufus serious? "Um, I don't know. How about-" without giving him time to react, I launched myself at him, sword raised, "combat - wha?!"

Before I could reach him, he ducked out of the way, leaving me to attack nothing but air. As I was falling, Chrom reached around me and pulled his sword from the ground, trapping me in a circle of the blade and his arms. As the side of the wooden weapon crashed into my stomach, I let out an involuntary oomph.

How the hell-?! When did he learn how to do that?! 

The prince pulled my back to his chest, mouth close to my ear. "Checkmate, darling." He nipped my earlobe.

I could easily slip out from his grasp, but his arms and body heat were too appealing to leave. "When did you learn that little number?"

"I thought of it the other day. I need to come up with new moves to catch my tactician by surprise, don't I? It's not fair for you to always catch me off guard with all of your fancy moves," he hummed. "Plus, you keep making fun of me for planting my sword in the ground. I thought it would be funny if I found a use for it."

I groaned, leaning further against him. "Jackass," I tiredly spat. I will admit, though, that is some serious clever thinking. Gods, I love that about him.

He nuzzled the back of my neck. "Hey, don't be so discouraged," he said. "Knowing you, I just cut off a hydra's head. You're going to come up with dozens of new ways to knock me on my ass in a matter of seconds."

I winked back at him, subtly worming my hands between my stomach and the sword that was pressing against it. "You got that right. Speaking of-" I gripped the blade and twisted with all my might. Once I was facing my fiancé, I took hold of his shoulders, turned sharply, and threw him to the ground. "Checkmate."

Chrom stared up at me, chest heaving and eyes wide. "I...was not expecting that..." he panted.

I smiled down at him, pride welling up in my chest. "That's the point. It looks like I won that one."

He shook his head, chuckling. "That you did."

It doesn't matter how dorky or clueless he sometimes is. He has won my heart through and through, and I wouldn't have that any other way.


So apparently there's a Chrobin Week 2019 that I didn't know about. Yeah. I literally found out this morning and was like wat. At first, I was just going to let it slide away and not do anything about it (cuz I didn't know if this was it form Chrobin Week 2019 and it was not in October, like normal) but the inner Chrobin freak in me needed to do this. I still don't know if there will be another in October, though. I'm guessing not, so I'll have to plan differently for my October Prompts *she says as the August Prompts aren't even released yet* Annnnyway. Since I literally found this out today, expect that I won't be able to post some of these prompts the morning of. However, I will try my best to keep up with them! Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Next Prompt: June 16th - "Flowers"


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