Chapter 12: My Peace Doesn't Exist Here

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Damon's Pov

"I'm glad you came back. I've missed my big brother" Stefan sighed.

We were at the Mystic Grill because he wanted to talk. My first couple days back were so clouded by Klaus and the Mikaelsons, that I forgot about the real reason I returned to this wretched place. My brother. The last piece of family I had on this Earth.

"I missed you too, actually" I confessed.

"Then why did you stay away for so long? Why did it take me 7 years to find you?" he asked.

"I didn't want to be found. I wasn't ready to come back here. I needed time" I breathed.

"I know that it has never been easy between us but, I thought we had changed. I felt like we were becoming brothers again and then you left" he murmured.

I looked down at my glass of bourbon not wanting to look him in the eyes. I made a choice. One that was best for me and I didn't like feeling guilty for it. Stefan was my brother and we had our issues but, that didn't change the fact that we were family.

"I'm sorry I hurt you Stefan but, I won't apologize for leaving. It was the best thing I ever did especially after everything. Wes is going back today and I'll be joining him soon" I told him.

"You've only been here for three days" he argued.

"Yeah and I'm starting to remember why I left in the first place" I sighed.

Truth is, after Wes and I got into that small argument about Klaus he wouldn't let it go. The man wasn't dumb, he knew I was keeping something from him so, he left and told me to return when I've figured everything out. Thing is, there was nothing to fucking figure out. Klaus and I were nothing but, bad for each other. The past showed me that.

"Damon I'm human now. I finally have the life I've only dreamed of but, it isn't complete with you" he said.

"I don't consider this place home anymore Stef and your not enough to make me want to stay. There are just too many memories here in Mystic Falls. I'm sorry" I stated before getting up and leaving.

I decided to take a walk through the woods to clear my head. It didn't work though because I was right. Everywhere I looked I was placed back into the past. When I came upon the Salvatore crypt, I stepped inside. Names of my family tree covered the walls. This was their final resting place. I should have been up here, I was supposed to be here.

"Damon" Stefan called.

"I became a vampire because you didn't want to spend eternity alone. I have up my chance for a dream life for you. You didn't want to be by yourself but, it happened anyway. We had all the time in the world but, we spent most of it hating each other" I mumbled.

"I know Damon and I'm sorry" he hummed.

"I don't need your apology. I forgave you already but, here you are once again asking me to give up everything. This time I can't Stefan. I'm happy for you. You have Elena and your son. You have everything you need little brother. You have your humanity which is a good thing because you were horrible as a vampire. There isn't anything I need here other than memories of how shitty of a person I was. I don't need or want that" I explained.

"Can you just stay for one more day? Just let me introduce you to your nephew" he asked.

"One day. After that, I am leaving Mystic Falls, again" I murmured.

"Okay. You're going to love him. He reminds me of you when we were younger" my brother laughed.

"Hopefully not. I wasn't a good role model" I scoffed.

"You were Damon. I always looked up to you. You kept me safe from my father and when it came to turning into a vampire, I wanted you by my side. You are my big brother. After all, we've gone through I still need you but, I understand. I can't ask you for that sacrifice again" he told me.

"Thanks, little brother" I responded smiling.

"Your welcome big brother" he chuckled before hugging me.

We had so much history between us. Years worth of time but, now that he was human it all seemed like nothing. I wanted to be there for him but, not at the risk of everything I've done for myself. I was finally at a place of peace. If I stayed that would change because Mystic Falls is anything but, peaceful.


I had big plans for this story but, as I was writing this chapter I realized I had no motivation. So, I have decided to make this a short story. I'm going to try and make it flow over the next 4 chapters so, that it doesn't seem rushed. Sorry.




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